They warn that instability could turn into a crisis


The Buenos Aires Stock Exchange Source: AP

Economists have stressed the role of political gestures after OSP

Since the primaries, the dollar has accumulated an increase of more than 20%, the Buenos Aires Stock Exchange has resulted in a 35% decline in the pesos and the country risk has doubled, although the situation has stabilized in recent days. Similarly, the projection of GDP has changed and it is expected that this year it will be reduced by 2%, while a decline of 1.5% was previously expected. Economists point out that since stress originates outside the economic sphere, relief signs must continue to appear outside of it.

According to a report by Ecolatina, one of the major fears that emerged after the exchange rate jump was the possibility of a default on the public debt, claiming that "the moderation of the Front of all will be essential. so that the weak stabilization persists. "

"In a context of open capital account and fragile and unstable macroeconomics like the current one, it is essential to maintain a good link with the financial market to avoid a cessation of payments and new triggers of the exchange rate. policies such as restricting the purchase of foreign currency and conflicts with
holdouts They will not come back to normalize the situation. However, this is not enough: the markets must also create them effectively, which does not seem guaranteed at the moment, "they warned.

In this sense, an article of the Ieral (Institute of the Mediterranean) published yesterday in
The voice of the interior It also highlights the political risks to be avoided so as not to jeopardize next year. "Political leaders must not remain indifferent to a country that is likely to exceed 1800 points or think that the boycott of the agreement with the IMF could allow more dollars to be left by 2020," he said. they said. And they added that on the government side, the "fine tuning" necessary for any control escape variable does not force management to get out of the "electoral mode".

According to his calculations, for debt maturities by the end of the year, the Treasury needs the $ 5400 million disbursement from the IMF planned for September and, by 2020, the funds to be obtained on the national and international markets total 20,000 million US dollars.



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