They warn that knee airbags could increase the risk of injury in a frontal collision


Knee airbags reduce the risk of injury from only 7.9 to 7.4%. The result, which provoked a stir in the global automotive industry, was revealed by the prestigious American Institute of Road Safety (IIHS).

To reach this conclusion, the IIHS examined the measures of the more than its 400 frontal crash tests and has combined them with real claims data. He has accumulated reports from 14 different states in the United States. to compare the risk of injury in vehicles with and without knee airbags.

"They have a negligible effect on the risk of injury and you can even increase them in some cases", says IIHS to general surprise, especially automakers.Today, the knee airbag is a pbadive safety equipment for luxury cars, especially in Argentina.

As if the "small effect" obtained by the IIHS was not surprising, this body revealed that, in small overlapping tests, the airbags increased risk of injury to the right leg and femur.

IIHS concluded that some automakers were installing front airbags for successful crash tests required by the federal government with dolls without seatbelts. And he admitted that could help during accidents with occupants who do not use this device. However, he noted that dummies are still included in the restraint and restraint system during their badessments.


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