They warn that the coronavirus affects sexual health …


Men who contract Covid-19 triple the risk of developing erectile dysfunction, according to research from the University of Rome. In the study, 100 men, an average of 33 years old, were analyzed and told scientists about their difficulties having sex.

The sample pointed out that there had been erection problems in 9% of them who had not gone through the coronavirus. But the figure climbed to 28% among those infected, as the magazine points out Andrology.

The researchers claimed that the virus is known to cause inflammation of the endothelium, the inner lining of blood vessels throughout the body. The arteries supplying the genitals are small and narrow, so any inflammation is likely to disrupt blood flow and hamper a man’s sexual response.

Research strengthens idea that men with coronavirus suffer more from the disease than women. Male sex is more prone to severe symptoms and is 1.7 times more likely to die from Covid-19. Some experts have suggested that differences in sex hormone levels (estrogen in women and testosterone in men) may be part of the explanation.

Hormonal issues

Meanwhile, endocrinologist Channa Jayasena of Hammesermith Hospital in London believes the virus can interfere with the production of sex hormones and cause side effects. “One of the torturous pathways by which the virus enters the body is by attaching its sharp protein to a receptor which is found in fairly high concentrations not only in the lungs but also in the reproductive organs,” the scientist said. Who pointed out that “When Covid-19 binds to these receptors, they can no longer perform their normal function.”

In this sense, Jayasena argued that the virus it can leave men with low testosterone levels and could also affect menstrual cycles and menopause in women. All of this has a potential impact on both fertility and overall health, as sex hormones are involved in processes throughout the body, from muscle growth to immune function.

“If a man has severe flu, it could take at least several weeks for his testicles to start working properly,” Jayasena said. “A man’s sperm count can drop to zero during the flu and it can take three months to fully recover. So I think it’s reasonable to suggest that an equally serious disease like the coronavirus would at least do that, ”he added.

Discouraging studies

Last year, the review of 24 studies on male fertility and Covid-19, published in the Global Journal of Men’s Health, noted that patients with moderate coronavirus infection had a significantly lower sperm concentration, often for months after recovery, compared to those with mild infections.

Shortly after, another study, published in the journal The aging male, showed that not only men with lower testosterone levels might be at higher risk of contracting Covid-19, but the virus can actually lower male hormone levels.

According to the publication, this means doctors must be prepared to check testosterone levels in male coronavirus patients and, if necessary, provide hormone replacement.


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