They warn that the exchange rate race is not dominated


The exchange rate race is not dominated, so we can not badure that it is over or that the economy has bottomed out, as there could be new pressures on the dollar, according to specialists. Economic Council Economy & Regions, whose authors noted that "in this context, the negative consequences of the exchange rate would continue to" the agenda "".

"In the monetary and financial area, the dollar should continue to rise in nominal terms, that is, capital inflows and nominal exchange rate cuts should be excluded."

In parallel, they estimated that "inflation will maintain an uptrend over the next few months. Inflation is expected to beat the dollar in the mean of the second half of the year. Year, since the current devaluation is record and the rate "Some sectors and economic agents, based on their microeconomic interests, have a negative view that the real exchange rate (RER) is eroding. However, at the macroeconomic level, this would be the least, as the only way for the real exchange rate to continue to increase and the dollar's competitiveness to increase is to increase the exchange rate. change, "they added.

The consultants predict that without "more cycles of exchange the coming quarters will have negative seasonal variations, with less investment, lower consumption, recession, destruction of jobs (informal and formal), increased unemployment and more poverty and indigence. "

" That is, already without new bullfighting tournaments, an unanticipated scenario awaits us, "they said. [19659006] [ad_2]
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