They warn that “vaccines have lost their effectiveness because viral circulation is another”


The Director of the High Blood Pressure Center at Johns Hopkins Hospital, Oscar Cingolani, spoke of the effectiveness of vaccines, amid a “big secret” from China about compounds from Sinovac and Sinopharm. In dialogue with Maria Laura Santillán at “CNN morning” for CNN Radio he said that “The vaccines have lost their effectiveness because the viral circulation is different”.

“There is a big secret about the Chinese vaccine”, assured the scientist questioned on the unknown effectiveness of the compound Sinovac, with which they inoculated a large part of the population in Chile and the ANMAT has not yet authorized it in Argentina.

Expert John Hopkins spoke of their consultations with Chinese scientists on technical studies which he said have not been published in the scientific community, but they were sent to each country regulatory entity: “In the Sinopharm clinical study in the United Arab Emirates, it was 80% effective five months ago“He added.

In this context, Cingolani warned that “viral circulation is different today and vaccines have lost their effectiveness», Also in relation to the new variants of the coronavirus.

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In Brazil, a study was conducted in which he determined that the effectiveness of the Chinese vaccine with the Variant of Manaus now it’s 50%, “which is less than the protection that other vaccines like Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson or AstraZeneca have shown,” he warned.

About mass vaccination in the United States, Oscar Cingolani said that on Saturday “4.6 million people have been vaccinated and 3.2 million on Sunday, ”said the specialist.

In turn, he assured that in the middle of “a dizzying race to vaccinate most of the population”, the South African and Manaus variants are controlled, while the British, increasing transmissibility and lethality it is the one that the prestigious John Hopkins Center considers to be the “predominant” one.

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“Pfizer has just sent an approval for emergency use between 12 and 15 years,” he said of the vaccination campaign in the United States, where more and more people are becoming aware of the importance of coronavirus inoculation. “We are seeing fewer cases in the United States”added the scientist.

In states where there were not many preventive measures, mass vaccination has increased casesCingolani commented, referring specifically to Michigan where the UK variant of COVID-19 predominates.

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The expert reiterated the lack of evidence on the effectiveness of Chinese vaccines and included the Sputnik V such as those which produce neutralizing antibodies against the coronavirus variants.

Finally, he analyzed that “We are witnessing a greater hospitalization of young people because it is the population that has not been vaccinated», For which, finally, he reflected on the importance of being inoculated in a global context with a community circulation of new variants.


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