They went dancing at a St. Patrick's Day and died in a scramble at the bowling gates


The Greenvale Hotel in Northern Ireland had a party on St. Patrick's Day. The call ended up being cluttered and about 700 young people gathered at the door. But surprisingly, waiting to enter has turned into a nightmare. Many started pushing to provoke a brutal outburst, that caused the death of three teenagers.

The victims were Lauren Bullock, 17, Connor Currie, 16, and Morgan Barnard, 17. The witnesses recounted the horror they experienced while trying to breathe and remove the crowd from above.

At least 100 young people were trapped and managed to survive bite and scratch the people who had fallen on him. A terrifying picture that has been repeated in all police statements.

The debacle took place at the door of the Greenvale Hotel, where San Patricio was going to celebrate. Credit: Daily Mail
The debacle took place at the door of the Greenvale Hotel, where San Patricio was going to celebrate. Credit: Daily Mail

In addition to the three teenagers killed, the authorities confirmed that there were also wounded. A 16-year-old girl is hospitalized in a hospital near the hotel. Two other young people were treated as outpatients.

One of the most shocking stories is that of one of Morgan's friends. On his Facebook account, Eimear Tallon said that Sunday night had become one of the worst of his life.

"They started pushing, but everyone was laughing and having a good time. Until the literal crush begins", explained the young woman in her publication" Two of my friends fell to the ground. I tried to raise them, but at that time they could not ride anymore. So I started shouting: "My friends are on the ground, back away, but nothing, not a small movement," she added, anxious.

When the situation worsened, Eimear thought that everyone was going to die. Especially because few people have understood the seriousness of the case. "Looking down, I could see several bodies below me and when I looked up, I could see several bodies above me. It was the most traumatic, scary and stressful moment of my life"He concluded.

The victims died when they found themselves trapped in a crowd of 100 people, who were crowded at the door. Credit: Daily Mail
The victims died when they found themselves trapped in a crowd of 100 people, who were crowded at the door. Credit: Daily Mail

After the incident, the local police posted a message on Twitter for parents to pick up their children. Immediately, more than a dozen patrol cars, fire trucks and ambulances approached the place to attend the emergency.

Agent Mark Hamilton urged teens not to post images of the social media outcry and asked them to that they will deliver all the material to the authorities, who want to clarify how everything has happened.


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