They went into money laundering and did not warn that they had more money without having to declare it: AFIP has detected more than 400 accounts.


Sanctions for the inhabitants will be difficult because they will in principle lose all the advantages of the tax disclosure to which they had agreed. That is, they will be charged for everything they would not have stated at that time, to which will be added fines and interest.


The accounts of the escapees were detected through the information exchange agreement signed last year within the framework of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). In this agreement There are more than 100 countries, including Uruguay, Switzerland and several tax havens. whereby the information arrives automatically. Last year, there were two lots with 160,000 accounts.

Beyond money laundering, this information will be cross-referenced in May and June with affidavits (DDJJ) of income tax balances and taxpayers' personal badets. "If they are not declared, the AFIP will apply immediate adjustments, because we have data from their accounts abroad," they told the agency. The Cross-linking of OECD and DDJJ data is already done, but in batch"


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