They went to dinner and got a disgusting insult on the ticket


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A couple from the United States went to a restaurant for dinner in Indiana and were shocked when they saw the ticket violation.

John Burns and Craig Gray reported ordering two plates of meat and dessert, and the young man at the box who served them was sympathetic.

While waiting for their order in line, the men noticed that in the order there was a homophobic term in place of the name of one of them: he used to say “queer”, which in Spanish translates to “queer” or “queer”.

Against this, Burns complained to the cashier. “I showed him the receipt. I said, ‘Look. What is that? Why would you want to do this? ‘ He tried to give me a lame excuse about a computer failure, he said, ‘Sometimes I put a name and it comes out different on the receipt,’ “he explained.

In this situation, the manager refunded them the money and fired the cashier on the spot. “This incident is unacceptable and is not part of the Arby’s brand,” they said from the company.

Following this, Gray spoke out about what happened on his Facebook account. “It just happened. Happy Pride Day, eh?” He said wryly, referring to the international date in commemoration of the fight for the rights of the LGBT community, which is celebrated in June.

Source: Chronicle

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