They went to get the body of their baby in the hospital and gave them a coffin filled with garbage. Chronic


A man fetched the body of his deceased son from a medical center in the city of Palenque, Mexico, and received a coffin filled with sheets and plastic bags.

The baby was born on August 9 in the municipality of Chiapas and, because of health problems, he was transferred to the General Hospital of Palenque the next morning.

That same day, they informed Manuel Hernandez of the death of his newborn son. And, a few hours later, the man asked a parent to pick up the baby's body at the health center.

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However, when parents received the casket, they discovered that it actually contained garbage inside a leaf. Then they went back to the medical institution and demanded an answer.

After several hours of waiting and the refusal of officials, Fernández and his wife were handed over to the body of a minor. However, they make sure that it does not match your child's body.

Recently, they spoke about the Ministry of Health and announced that they would investigate the anomalies that had occurred in order to punish the perpetrators and determine why the protocols to follow had not been followed. been applied.

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