They were arrested as alleged members of Hezbollah, they were declared unworthy and they will now sue the state for persecution.


Axel and Gamal Salomon

<img src = "" alt = "The embrace felt at Solomon's meeting with his father
"id =" 7018015-Free-23863439_embed "/>

The embrace felt at Solomon's meeting with his father


The brothers were detained for 22 days. "We show that, before the preparatory acts, we move forward and that we arrested these people. Only raids and detentions were missing. They knew that it was solve"said the Minister of Security Patricia Bullrich On November 15, they arrested the brothers in the neighborhood of Villa Ortuzar in Buenos Aires. At the time, he asked the porteños to leave the city.

After his release, the case filed in Federal Court Sergio Ramos is about to close. It remains only to resolve the situation of the father of Solomon for undeclared possession of weapons that have not been declared. They argue that they were inherited.

"My nephews were in Ezeiza because of Irurzún who must go through justice. Everything is a DAIA game that does not get tired of strolling and disturbs people", Argue Galeb Moussa Hamad to

For his part, Solomon 's lawyer, Ismael Jalil, confirmed what had been said at a press conference during the arrest of Solomon. "We will lodge a complaint against the state for persecution"

Jalil, declared to that they will rule "against the DAIA, against the State and Patricia Bullrich" and provide for a "denunciation before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights".

"There was trouble here, they put Gamal out of work, and thanks to Patricia Bullrich, the government was mischievous," said Hamad, a cousin of the father of the youth released on December 5th.

Axel and Gamal Salomon

<img src = "" alt = "The brothers have left the prison December 5th
"id =" 7018016-Free-239265532_embed "/>

The brothers left the prison on December 5


Police sources reported that weapons of war, rifles, rifles and revolvers and a large quantity of ammunition were found during the attack on the house on Chivilcoy Street, 400 Street. Floresta district in Buenos Aires.

The complaint was lodged by the delegation of the Israelite Associations of Argentina (DAIA) after receiving an anonymous email informing about the activities and sympathy of the Salomon brothers towards the Lebanese extremist group. In this email, it was stated that "Gamal Salomon" was undergoing military training while traveling abroad and that he had been seen manipulating weapons of war such as AK-47 rifles. of Russian origin.

The defender of Solomon, believes that the case will be closed in the coming days with a probation for the father of Axel and Gamal. Then it will be time to put in place a judicial process that can cost a lot of money to the public coffers.


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