They were invited for tea and were shot


The story seems to be taken from a book or a detective series, but it took place in Uruguay and had as victims an arms dealer and his daughter, who after being executed were left in the safe of a car.

The event happened in 2008, but details of the grisly crime recently emerged when the Uruguayan court ruling sentenced two men to 25 years in prison.

According to the investigation, on June 17, 2008, Euclides Viera, who engaged in the sale and handling of weapons, was contacted by Esteban R. and Cristian F.

From what the newspaper reports The country From Uruguay, the merchant knew Cristian F. because he had arranged for him to carry arms for himself and his brother.

Even, according to the report, the trader and Cristian F. were on the verge of opening a security company, although the initiative never materialized.

This time it was Esteban who started the conversations, he called Viera interested in acquiring four pistols, and argued that he was part of a family of four brothers who were engaged in rice production and wanted to have them for their safety.

As part of the strategy, Esteban invited Viera to bring the weapons to his home in the town of Piriapolis. According to what the file indicates, two days after this call, the trader and his daughter went to the seaside resort in the department of Maldonado.

Viera he had no idea what could happen to him, because he knew Cristian. Even his daughter Natalia Viera wrote the place of the meeting he would go to with her father: “last ring house before the chairlifts”.

From what was recorded by the newspaper The country, the businessman and his daughter traveled to Piriápolis in the afternoon of June 19 in a Volkswagen Santana car, with the intention of selling him the weapons.

Viera and her daughter arrived at the house in the last ring of Cerro San Antonio and were received by Esteban, who he offered them a cup of tea to the guests.

It was around this time that the owner of the house went to prepare tea and Cristian F appeared on the scene, who from the back of the house and through one of the windows executed the merchant and his daughter. of three balls. The victims were surprised by the assailant because they were back at the window It overlooked a backyard.

According to expert reports, one of the bullets hit Natalia’s spinal cord and another hit her neck, causing her dead immediately. During this time, the gunsmith suffered an impact in the right hemithorax and was seriously injured.

“Cristian F., to finish it off, performed Viera with a direct shot in the head causing immediate death, ”said the Uruguayan court ruling in describing the murder in cold blood.

“Gallego, what have you done?”

Hearing the bangs and coming back from the kitchen, Esteban let his accomplice understand what had happened. “Gallego, what have you done?”he shouted at her.

However, the assailant, who was a member of the Spanish military for three years, aimed at Esteban’s head and under threat forced him to load the bodies into the trunk of Viera’s car and then surrender. in Montevideo.

Finally, the criminals left the car with the bodies in the trunk on a street in the Carrasco neighborhood and proceeded to the Tres Cruces terminal, where they took a car back to Piriápolis.

A day later, a neighbor alerted to the strange presence of a Volkswagen Santana and when the police opened the vehicle, they found the bodies of Viera and her daughter.

A toll check allowed investigators to reconstruct the events. The police first went to the merchant, where they found Natalia Viera’s diary that took them to Cerro San Antonio’s home.

At the scene of the crime, officers found the bloodstains, three self-defense sprays from those sold by the deceased and a curtain punctured by the bullets with which the father and daughter were executed.

Esteban’s defense attorney tried to mitigate the incident. “The idea was for Cristian to enter the house in a hood recover the arms of the gunsmith. My client didn’t know he was going to kill the gunsmith and his daughter, ”he said.

The truth is that the accused face 25 years in prison for double aggravated homicide, since the court understood that there was a plan to assassinate Viera and her daughter with the intention of robbing them.



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