They were kicked out of a bar in Colima and waited for the security guard to come out before shooting him.


Photo: Cuartoscuro
Photo: Cuartoscuro

In the town of Colima, a bar security guard was shot dead for allegedly preventing a group of intoxicated people from passing.

The assault happened around 5 a.m. Sunday, when the victim had finished his shift and was driving a white Chevrolet Chevy. However, when he stopped at a traffic light, he was struck by subjects in a black truck, who pulled him over at the state government administration complex.

The man, identified as Radamés Osvaldo Ramirez, head of bar security Barezzito, was shot twice in the chest, two in the abdomen and in both arms. He was assisted by Red Cross paramedics, who transferred him to a nearby hospital where he later died.

Preliminary reports indicated that the victim hours earlier had blocked the assailants, who arrived at the bar drunk.

The FGR continues its investigations to find those responsible (Photo: File)
The FGR continues its investigations to find those responsible (Photo: File)

According to the local press, Radamés worked as a security guard and was esteemed by the young people who frequented the place.

The public prosecutor, along with elements of the state attorney general’s office, are continuing investigations to find the whereabouts of those responsible.

According to Third government report Of the president Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO, Colima was one of 18 states where murders declined from September 2020 to June 2021, he recorded 396.

According to the Federal President, in order for these results to materialize, specific actions have been taken, such as the eradication of corruption, the guarantee of employment, education, health and well-being; as well as the actions of institutions and an ethical regeneration of government and society.

EFE / Francisco Guasco
EFE / Francisco Guasco

In a state that recorded more intentional homicides during the same period, it was Michoacan, with what 1,526 victims he went from fifth to third place.

The State of Mexico fell one place and was in fifth position (1,488) in this indicator, although, according to AMLO, malicious homicides have been reduced.

Then there is Chihuahua, which is in the sixth rung of states with the most killings (1,486) and in the event of a dispute between the Juárez cartels and by Sinaloa, with his cocked arm called Line, which has been dismantled over the years since 2010.

Guerrero (795), Veracruz (739) and Mexico (621) are the following entities with the largest number of intentional homicides which have seen their percentage decrease thanks to the National Development Plan 2019-2024 proposed by the Federal government, although they are not exempt from drug trafficking, since several criminal organizations are present, such as the CJNG, La Familia Michoacana, Cartel Tláhuac and a few cells scattered around the streets.


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