They were raised together in an orphanage and adopted by two families: they met again after almost 18 years – 03/27/2019


Sara Danyo (18) was born in China and spent her early years in an orphanage in Hubei. There he made an unconditional friendship with another girl, but their lives changed. 2001, when both were adopted at the same time by different families. Now they have reconnected through intense research.

"I have to try this, I have to find the girl who comes to my right in the picture (I'm the one in the basket), now she must be 21-23 years old, I do not know her name and that's the only photo that I have, you recognize in the photo, please tell me, RT to broadcast, "he wrote in a publication on Twitter, which has already reached more than 50 000 retweets and nearly 100,000 "I like".

Sara's publication (Twitter @saracourdless).

Sara's publication (Twitter @saracourdless).

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Networks of the planet | We tell you what were the most shared stories on Facebook and what were the trends on Twitter and Instagram. "Src ="

Networks of the planet | We tell you what are the most shared stories on Facebook and what trends have been followed on Twitter and Instagram.

Every week.

In a thread, she told all the story that binds her to this young woman and the reason she wants to find her. According to her parents, when they adopted her, neither of them wanted to separate and her friend always took care of her at the orphanage.

"When I have 11 months and she 5 yearsshe was one of the "elders" and that is why she had to take care of me (helping me to eat, wash, dress, etc.) as an older sister ", a- she said, revealing: "She even asked my parents to adopt her as well. so that she can come with me. The translator tried to explain why she had to leave with her parents, but she insisted that she should come with me because it was her responsibility. "

Sara said that during the adoption process, families had to settle for a few days in China, until all legal issues were settled and they could then leave permanently. . Coincidentally, both couples lived in Madrid, Spain. Meanwhile, girls were already living in hotels with their new parents.

Sara, on the right, is desperate for her friend (Twitter @saracourdless).

Sara, on the right, is desperate for her friend (Twitter @saracourdless).

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During this short time, the young foreigner escaped from her hotel to Sara's house and brought her some biscuits. She feared to be abused and not nurtured.

"The day we finally had to leave China, at the airport, the girl was shouting" Danyao "(my name) trying to get rid of the clutches of her parents without knowing the context of the situation, they seemed to mistreat her, many who cried and cried, "he said.

Danyao was born in Hubei City, China (Twitter @saracourdless).

Danyao was born in Hubei City, China (Twitter @saracourdless).

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Sara's parents tried to stay in touch with the other family, but they they decided to cut the relationship to the point that they phoned and did not come. For the moment, all they know, is that at that time, the adoptive parents of her friend were between 40 and 50 years old and lived in the Spanish capital.

"I do not think that they understand the emotional burden that it would be for me to find this girl, that's literally all that I have and that I know of my past." Before my parents I've adopted, I did not know anything about my biological parents or their loved ones.Please, help me find it, "he asked desperately.

Quickly, Twitter's thread went viral and thousands of users began to broadcast it. Sara thanked everyone: "The support I receive is brutal, thank you very much, really, I try to answer everyone, but the notifications are updated all the time, seriously, to everyone's attention. 39 among you, thank you very much. "

Quickly, Twitter's feed went viral and thousands of users started to stream it (Twitter @saracourdless).

Quickly, Twitter's feed went viral and thousands of users started to stream it (Twitter @saracourdless).

The young tweeter decided to publish his story also in English to have a greater international reach. History has crossed borders and even in Latin America she is furious. Thousands of netizens from Colombia, Argentina and Chile have retweeted their photo because they could live anywhere in the world.

A young woman, whose name was not revealed, sent her a private message informing her that she was in the same orphanage and that she was going to find out for her. 39; help.

A young woman, whose name was not revealed, sent her a private message (Twitter @saracourdless).

A young woman, whose name was not revealed, sent her a private message (Twitter @saracourdless).

In an interview with the show "Mediodía COPE", he told his story and asked the audience for help: "My mother does not know either, the only thing I know is that the blonde woman next to my mother, my mother is the woman in the blue shirt, she is the mother of the girl I am looking for. "

Her parents also badured her that they would help her in the search and posted a screenshot of her on her Twitter profile.

In blue, Sara's mother and, on her left, her friend's mother (Twitter @saracourdless).

In blue, Sara's mother and, on her left, her friend's mother (Twitter @saracourdless).

The WhatsApp chat between Danyao and his mother (Twitter @saracourdless).

The WhatsApp chat between Danyao and his mother (Twitter @saracourdless).

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The same day, Sara revealed an encouraging fact: "I did not want to say anything until I could say it firmly, but I think I found the girl, I'm 99% sure, when I'll know more, I will say it".

With the help of his family, his friends, his contacts and his supporters, he had collected the necessary documentation to know the girl's address and phone number. The bad news was that this information came from 20 yearsbut he did not give up.

Thanks to his perseverance, he realized his wish a few days later. The data was correct and he contacted Alejandra, your childhood friend. "I do not even know how to tell you because I know that there are a lot of expectations, but we've managed to, thank you all for everything you've done for me during these days and thank you for all the support we received after 17 years. " , wrote a photo next to Twitter.

Sara with Alejandra, her childhood friend.

Sara with Alejandra, her childhood friend.

In addition, she published a video in which she thanked all the people who helped her. In the recording, she also recounted that, when Alejandra discovered all the moves she had made and who she was, "she was excited".

The users of the networks exploded with joy at the news, as they were undoubtedly part of the research. "My daughter, I'm very happy for you," wrote him @maridlav, while another call @bornbesmb said it was the "best thread of Twitter" that ;he read.


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