They were struck by lightning while taking a selfie | They survived to tell


Three English brothers starred in the most curious episode of the thunderstorms that have been seen in the skies of London in the last few hours.

The rain surprised them while they were biking, they wanted to take a selfie and they were struck by lightning. This moment was captured in the photo. The three young men lived to tell the story.

Brothers Rachel, Isobel and Andrew Jobson, who were walking through Hampton Court Palace in the south-east of the British capital when lightning struck, were referred with burns to St. George’s Hospital, but have were released a few hours later.

Rachel, 26, said they were on their way from her home in Berkshire to Surrey to visit an aunt when they stopped to use the bathroom. At the exit, already in the rain, they started to take pictures.

“We were taking the picture with our phone and all of a sudden I fell to the ground. I felt disjointed. My sister and I screamed,” Rachel added, as the older Jobsons suffered burns. in the thigh and in the belly and lost the sensation of the arms.

The brothers in the hospital, after love at first sight. Instagram Isobel Jobson

For her part, Isobel, 23, said that “the photo of us when the lightning struck was at 5:05 pm. I took a photo of us smiling and then we wanted a sad photo in the rain.”

Suddenly she found herself on the ground, stunned and hearing only a very high-pitched buzz. “My whole right arm was numb and I couldn’t move it,” he added. Lightning left marks on Rachel and Isobel. The third brother, Andrew, was barely slightly dizzy.

Doctors say the titanium prosthesis Isobel wears on one arm following a previous bicycle accident may have been the source of the lightning that passed through the Jobson brothers.

According to data from the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents, 30 to 60 people are struck by lightning in Britain each year, and there are an average of three deaths per year.


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