They will do tests to detect hepatitis without medical order


July 22, 2018 – 00:00
In different health centers, they will receive residents without an appointment to make a diagnosis.

This week will be the diagnoses of hepatitis B and C without medical order and according to the order of arrival in some health centers

July 28 is the World Day Against Childbirth. ;viral hepatitis. For this reason, the Ministry of Public Health of the province has organized a series of promotion and prevention activities framed in the international strategy to control infections by viruses that affect the liver.

On Wednesday, the tests will be carried out in the health center n ° 9, Villa Lavalle; Thursday in the Palermo district and Friday in Don Ceferino vaccination against hepatitis B will be activated and HIV testing will also be done. On the same day, at the San Francisco Solano Health Center No. 45, diagnostic tests will be carried out for hepatitis B and C.

On Monday the 30th, he will be vaccinated against hepatitis B in the health center No. 3 district Hernando de Lerma. The same actions will be conducted at Pro Mujer, Jujuy 215.

Also on Monday, July 30 and Tuesday, July 31, in the laboratory of the Señor del Milagro Hospital, blood samples will be taken for diagnosis. The service will be provided between 8 am and 1:30 pm, in the order of arrival and without the need of a medical order.

Viral hepatitis is an infection of the liver caused by one of the five viruses that cause this disease. typified as A, B, C, D and E.

Type A and E infections are usually caused by the ingestion of contaminated food or water; while those of types B, C and D are produced by contact with infected body fluids.

In the case of hepatitis B, the mother-to-child vertical transmission during the birth of a family member is highlighted. Therefore, in addition to mandatory vaccination, public health encourages community access to information, diagnostic tests and treatments for hepatitis B and C which, if not Is not the case, they are treated properly, they can become complicated, cause cirrhosis or liver cancer and lead to death.

There is a vaccine against hepatitis B that, according to the National Immunization Schedule, must be administered to the newborn within 12 hours.

Also adults who have not received the vaccine must complete the regimen with three periodic doses. Immunization against hepatitis A consists of a single dose, which is placed at the age of twelve months.

The central activity will be held on Monday 30 in the auditorium of San Bernardo Hospital and will consist of a day of hepatology that will cover epidemiology and clinical management of the disease. viral hepatitis, intended for physicians in general and other members of the health team

The non-tariff day will start at 8:45 am and will be coordinated by Gustavo Patrón Costas, Head of the Gastroenterology Department.

On this occasion, doctors Victoria Ayats, Cora Tonatto and José Luis Salvadores will speak


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