they will further reduce the hours of night traffic


Before resuming his usual activities on Thursday, after his release after recovering from a coronavirus, Alberto Fernández will move forward in the coming hours with new restrictions to control the contagion curve in this second wave. Without signals or collaboration from governors to face the political cost, the president decided to go ahead and extend the limits to the night that I had imposed this Friday.

The head of state polishes for these hours a new decree in which you set new opening hours, at bars and restaurants in the metropolitan area of ​​Buenos Aires and the most critical areas.

The idea, in principle, would be set the time of 20 as the limit for the functioning of gastronomy, the activity that the government considers essential in terms of social relaxation.

The schedule is even more extreme than the days when the government tried to reach consensus with the city and the province. On this occasion, they spoke of 10 am, finally it was 11 am, with traffic restriction until 6 am.

From now on, confirmed a high source of the Government, with a permanent dialogue with the President in the last hours, which will extend of a few more hours: “It will be between 8 pm and 10 pm”.

Although in principle this would only concern working hours, they do not exclude the inclusion of a restriction on night traffic.

The decision, however, now does not have the participation of the head of government of Buenos Aires, Horacio Rodríguez Larreta; and the governor of Buenos Aires, Axel Kicillof. They will only be informed of the measure once the president has signed the decree.

More: at Casa Rosada they do not hide their discomfort with the position of the two leaders as for orders.

“The president waited until today (for this Wednesday) for the governors and mayors to make decisions. Well, since that didn’t happen, he will decide, confirmed to the government. The DNU will be released this Thursday at the latest.

Regarding the political cost he will face, they warned that “the president already said it the other day: he doesn’t mind losing an election, but to take care of the health of Argentines ”.

This measure will give the government the air of postpone definitions regarding the transition to strict quarantine: In the government, they stress that this is a “miracle solution” that can only be used in an extreme situation, after the prolonged isolation that occurred in 2020 and in the absence of resources to face the economic crisis.

Without any sign of other provinces either, the government’s malaise extends to the other governors (strictly speaking, they only save Gildo Insfrán from Formosa and Jorge Capitanich from Chaco) and they recall, as Pablo de León said in this newspaper, that in article 17 of the last DNU signed by Fernández, they had the possibility of imposing more severe measures, taking into account that the Nation can not impose equal restrictions for all districts.

“In a federal country, there are different realities and needs, the same harshness could not apply to everyone, but the governors had to take the initiative, but that did not happen” , they lament to the president.

v 1.5

Departments at high epidemiological risk

Reason growth of cases,
last two weeks compared to the previous two.

Impact accumulated cases,
over the past two weeks.

Viola 2: Less than 50 cases or very small populations.

Fountain: Presidency of the Nation
Infographics: Bugle

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