they would delay the disbursement of USD 5400 million until the elections


The IMF can not disburse the US $ 5.4 billion expected by Argentina without first knowing the economic policy plans of the next government

The International Monetary Fund can not disburse the US $ 5.4 billion expected by Argentina without first knowing the economic policy plans of the next government he will badume in December, sources close to the situation revealed to the agency Bloomberg News.

L & # 39; s body You can postpone the next disbursement of the record $ 56,000 million credit line to Argentina until you have more clarity on the political landscape. in the second largest economy of South America, according to sources, who requested anonymity because they are not allowed to speak in public.

On Thursday, spokesman Gerry Rice said that "complex market conditions and future political uncertainties make the situation even more difficult ". The next disbursement is scheduled for Sunday or later.

A spokesman for the Ministry of Economy in Buenos Aires declined to comment on Bloomberg, although Macri said last week that it should be approved because Argentina has achieved the goals currently under review, which is to review progress made by the country up to June. Mbad sale.

The Minister of Finance, Hernán Lacunza will visit Washington this month for further discussions. on the record loan of the Monetary Fund.

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