They've put together a test to find out if you're going to die in the next 10 years.


The first task of scientists at the Max Planck Institute for the Biology of Aging, located in Cologne, Germany, was to badyze the information of 44 thousand people between 18 and 109 yearsmen and women of European descent who participated in other studies at some point in their lives.

So, they managed to find 14 "metabolic biomarkers", which are indicators of particular diseases or ailments of an organism such as cholesterol, glucose level, blood pressure or body mbad index. The presence of coronary heart disease or cancer has also been taken into account.

Biomarkers have been entered into a system that cast his prediction on how much each person would live according to their indicators. L & # 39; study he succeeded in 83% of cases approximately 5,512 deaths occurred between the ages of two and 16, the site reported Daily mail.

The test is not yet available to the public, but scientists hope that be as common as the one used to detect infections, and this serves to know, for example, whether to operate a patient according to their biomarkers.


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