"Thieves who call the conflict of their flights from …


"They think that Argentina gives 20 million people and that there is only the rest left, and the worst thing is that they say it, people have to think about what it is, "said Alberto Fernández, who also spoke about the impressions During a campaign held in the city of Merlo last week:" While speaking, people were shouting: "We want eat. It's impressive, they are not aware of what they've done. "

In a radio interview on "Secreto de sumario" (Radio 10), the presidential candidate highlighted the economic crisis and badured that anyone who wants to join the government next December "will find a country very similar to the year 2003 ". "Argentina is in a hidden default situation Indicators of the index of economic activity, down 6 or 7% Look at the unemployment rate, which continues to grow.Foreign markets are in trouble because that they fear not to charge, but the Argentineans, who fear not to survive, have more problems, "he said.

"I've always believed the same thing.In 1984, at the faculty, a chair called" Reflections on the merits of the sentence "had explained that punishing abortion was not a good idea, "said Fernandez, consulted on the debate on the issue of abortion. decriminalization and legalization of the voluntary termination of pregnancy. He added: "We should take the abortion crime immediately, it's used to end the hiding, sometimes to go for everything, you have nothing left." "That's before the moral problem and religious, a public health problem, I am absolutely committed to solving this problem, which is solved by legal abortion, safe and free, but in stages, "he said.

Regarding Sergio Mbada, he said, "We want him to join the city and that's important, I talked to him many times and told him what he believed. him." He insisted on reaching an agreement with the Tigrense He asked last Thursday to "constitute an overwhelming majority to put an end to this government".

"Thieves who call their flights" conflict of interest. "I bought a lot and I have a problem for which I did not pay. have offshore companies, in Panama, and they have no problem, "he said about Cambiemos government officials.

He also referred to the public appearance of Prosecutor Carlos Stornelli, who appeared this week in the Army Day Act at the Military College alongside President Mauricio Macri and Defense Minister Oscar Aguad. "It's a shame and shows that the only impunity operation triggered in Argentina is to defend Stornelli." Fernandez said that a sequence of this style explains why the prosecutor does not appear before Judge Ramos Padilla. "Why is the President encouraged to protect Stornelli with impunity coverage by sitting behind him? Stornelli has only to go forth to declare .If he is innocent, he has to leave and declare, he has the possibility of explanations, what happens to him is a great deterioration for justice, "added the candidate about the prosecutor in absentia summoned five times to testify as accused in the case of Alessio's illegal espionage gang.


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