Third increase in YPF fuels in a 10-day period



YPF has once again raised the price of gasoline at service stations in the interior of the province. This is confirmed at LIBERAL by the president of the Local Chamber of Deputies, Pedro Llorvandi.

The new prices are for the super naphtha liter $ 32.36; Infinia $ 38.47; Diesel 500, $ 27.62; and Infinia diesel $ 33.93. Previous values ​​were $ 31 the super, and $ 35.99 Infinia, in naphthas. In the diesel were $ 26.97 the diesel 500 and $ 30.76 the diesel Infinia.

This represents an increase in gasoline from $ 1.36 to $ 2.48 per liter. While in diesel varieties reflects an increase from $ 0.65 to $ 3.17 per liter.

In percentage, naphtha increased between 4.3% and 6.8%. Diesel between 2.4% and 10.3%. This is the third download of YPF in 10 days. Now, the strongest impact is on high quality fuels, gasoline and Infinia.

The average increase of naphtha is 5.55% and that of diesel is 4.35%. The increase will reach the stations of the capital starting today or tomorrow.

Llorvandi explained that this increase that occurs inside Santiago and that will later be transferred to the capital, is a new modality that YPF has implemented in other provinces. He said that these are incremental increases, first in the interior, then in the capitals, and by group of provinces, until complete the entire country with the new prices.

"Whoever crosses the interior and the capital ends up seeing the increase first inside, which fixes the increases are the oil companies, what do the stations- service is to transfer the price determined by the oil companies to the supplier. "

"Inevitably, these increases will be visible from tonight (night) or tomorrow in the capital," said Llorvandi

"These are discontinuous increases in terms of time, but after four days everything is accommodated at the same level of increase," he said and predicts that a 10% increase in the company YPF oil is expected in July

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