This is how China uses artificial intelligence to control its citizens – 02/02/2019


The school uniform with tracking system for students was only the last episode that sparked controversy over the control exercised by the Chinese government over its citizens. The membership of a chip to uniforms connected to a facial recognition system helps to know when a student falls asleep in clbad or leaves school without permission. The controversy came with the fact that these can also be tracked from school.

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One more chapter of the scandal unleashed in the West by the control exerted on the citizens by a government which uses with force two technological elements: the artificial intelligence and the treatment of large quantities of data (Big Data). Two premises in which the Asian country is becoming a world leader against the historically dominant country: the United States in technology. Who is behind this planning and this vertiginous rise of the technology industry? Largely the company Sensetime.

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When, in March 2018, Xi Jinping, president of the country, succeeds in deleting the maximum of two consecutive terms, the alarm goes off. It is precisely Xi Jinping who developed this plan on the artificial intelligence sector: the president intends to spend $ 150 trillion to lead the technology sector to the next. Global scale by 2030. With Xi Jinping indefinitely in power, it is expected that this plan will be paralyzed.

A leader in artificial intelligence

The power of the Asian giant is due, in the first place, to the fact that 85% of Chinese companies play an active role in this sector. On the other hand, artificial intelligence in China encompbades many more companies than the sector of other countries. And perhaps most importantly, the sector's growth strategies that in the past had led countries like Germany or the United States to lead at the time seem to be holding back progress, which has relegated Americans to second place. behind China.

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For its part, Sensetime Corporation is primarily responsible for providing the government with the technology used on the streets and used by the police. The cities are flooded with cameras with facial recognition systems, the ability to read car registration plates and even predict the routine of locals and anticipate their next moves. Police have already tested glbades with facial recognition to identify fugitives.

This is where the most critical voices against the Chinese government emerged, particularly the NGO Humans Rights Watch, which reports that these measures only increase the control of dissidents, activists and social minorities. Among the powers of the authorities, there is the refusal of a person to travel by train because it has a criminal record which places it as a critical person to the Chinese government.

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Specifically, the authorities distance themselves from the allegations that it improves the police's task when looking for suspects, predicting crimes and effectively responding to any event. Nevertheless, starting in February 2019, Chinese police will have greater power over the handling of citizens' personal information and greater impunity if this information is damaged.

They also say that in the case of ordinary citizens, information is simply collected and stored, and is not used for any other purpose. Nevertheless, Humans Rights Watch is suspicious of the Chinese government's movements in terms of security and citizen control.

Funte: The Vanguardia


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