this is how global news sites signal new controls


Newspapers around the world echoed restrictions imposed by Mauricio Macri's government to contain the dollar

After the government has established, by a decree of necessity and urgency, a restriction of the purchase of dollars, exporters will be forced to liquidate foreign currency and to authorize the payment of money. taxes with bonds, journalistic sites from the rest of the world began to react to the crisis. The most important news and covers on the planet tell what is happening in Argentina.

One of them, the Financial Times, has the face of Mauricio Macri as soon as it enters the Web. The face of the president is accompanied by the title "Argentina imposes monetary controls". Then we read: "The government is taking measures to prevent the flight of capital after the peso has fallen into a spiraling economic crisis."

The Bloomberg economic site also displays Argentine news on the front page: "The government is taking steps to prevent the flight of capital after the peso has fallen into a spiral economic crisis," he said.

"The announcement comes when the economic crisis in Argentina goes out of control." About $ 3 billion of foreign exchange reserves were exhausted on Thursday and Friday, as the government struggled to pay the short-term debt and stop the crisis. The country was in danger of depleting its net reserves in a few weeks if it continued to lose money at this rate, according to the article written by journalist Philip Sanders, according to Clarín.

Meanwhile, the most widely read Spanish language newspaper, El País de España, is more categorical and badyzes in four words and describes what was the last month of our country: "The horrible August of Argentina". The article describes in detail everything that has happened since the 11/8, at the end of the primary primary elections simultaneous and mandatory. "Between anguish and resignation, Argentina supports its umpteenth crisis .The elements are the same, as always: high inflation, lack of growth, depreciation of the peso, need for dollars and inability to pay the debts The week that ends today was August is horrible and we have the feeling that the worst is yet to come, "says the badysis.

At the regional level, the Brazilian newspaper O Globo also shows on the cover the main note of the situation in Argentina. It reads that the purchase of dollars will be limited to contain the devaluation of the peso.

In Chile and Uruguay, they also echo the DNU published today in the Official Journal. On the other side of the Andes, the newspaper La Tercera entitled: "The Argentine government imposes exchange restrictions to curb the escalating dollar and currency leakage. " In a voluminous text, he claims that the Argentine government "surprised" by imposing by decree "a series of exchange restrictions with the aim of attempting to prevent the escalation of the dollar price and the flight of foreign currencies. ".

On the site of El País in Uruguay, the article stands out on the cover and reads: "New economic measures in Argentina: the purchase of dollars is limited". There, it is limited to review the main points of the decree.

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