This is how Inmujeres spoke out after feminist intervention in AMLO’s “wall of peace”


Women's groups screened phrases at the National Palace this Sunday (Photo: Twitter @ Chelawuera)
Women’s groups screened phrases at the National Palace this Sunday (Photo: Twitter @ Chelawuera)

Before the monumental March 8, the National Institute of Women (Inmujeres) The federal government has assured that from their trenches, they continue to “take care of the most vulnerable women so that no one is left behind.”

Through a press release, the institution mentioned the intervention of various women the so-called “wall of peace” by Andrés Manuel López Obrador outside the National Palace.

“As every year, in the International Women’s Day, we women take to the streets. We do this to make visible the inequalities we still face, as well as the violence that persists, ”they opened.

They later assured that the pandemic had forced the feminist movement to make various sacrifices, such as stopping free expression in the streets; However, other learnings remained, such as that of “Think of new ways to make our voices heard”.

A woman paints the names of femicide victims in Mexico on billboards outside the National Palace ahead of a Women's Day protest (Photo: REUTERS / Henry Romero)
A woman paints the names of femicide victims in Mexico on billboards outside the National Palace ahead of a Women’s Day protest (Photo: REUTERS / Henry Romero)

“For this reason, from the National Institute of Women, we have a message for you: we are with you,” they wrote.

They assured that the intervention of women in the fences mounted outside the building where the Mexican president lives leaves an important reminder that femicide persists nationwide.

In addition, they made recognition for all the women and activists named in the new anti-monument, as well as each of the women who were murdered or raped.

“We remember the value of memory as a foundation for peacebuilding and collective reconciliation. From Inmujeres, we join the call of # NiUnaMás ”, they continued.

This is how Inmujeres spoke out after feminist intervention in AMLO's 'wall of peace' (Photo: REUTERS / Henry Romero)
This is how Inmujeres spoke out after feminist intervention in AMLO’s ‘wall of peace’ (Photo: REUTERS / Henry Romero)

In addition, they ensured that every day they join forces, with their work, “for the construction of rights and opportunities for women who effectively prevent violence”.

Therefore, they ensured that from Inmujeres the challenges to be met were assumed “build a cultural change that will reverse inequalities “, which they are doing with public policies that generate genuine well-being and eliminate discrimination that has disadvantaged women, slowing the development of their lives and of our society as a whole ”.

Among the actions they have implemented, Inmujeres focuses on “working so that recognize, redistribute and reduce domestic and care work which generates unequal relations, time poverty and limitations in access to a just and dignified economy for women ”.

These actions are:

-We promote collective actions by communities, so that peace and security for women is a guarantee in public and private spaces.

Billboards outside the National Palace have been turned into an anti-monument where the names of various murdered women are now read (Photo: Graciela López / Cuartoscuro)
Billboards outside the National Palace have been turned into an anti-monument where the names of various murdered women are now read (Photo: Graciela López / Cuartoscuro)

-We know that health is one of the starting points for the well-being of women, which is why we are focused so that the Health physics, mental and all of your sexual rights are a reality.

-We consider it urgent to generate better conditions for improve women’s economic empowerment, with jobs, access to resources, better wages and programs which facilitate their integration into the labor market on a paid basis.

-We work for that a life free from violence and access to justice for women, girls and adolescents makes them freer and safer.

-We put parity into action at all levels, by that women make decisions in their communities and in the private sector on an equal basis.

Billboards outside the National Palace have been turned into an anti-monument where the names of various murdered women are now read (Photo: Graciela López / Cuartoscuro)
Billboards outside the National Palace have been turned into an anti-monument where the names of various murdered women are now read (Photo: Graciela López / Cuartoscuro)

Finally, they noticed that at the Institute women’s voices are heard, they build with them so that their rights are a guarantee, they support their claims and open the doors of dialogue.

“Let us move forward together on the path of true equality”, they concluded.


8M: the shocking transformation of AMLO’s “peace wall” into an anti-monument for femicide victims in Mexico
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