This is how the Amazon's smoke advances on Argentina | Chronic


The fire smoke in the Amazon, which worries the whole world, has already reached northern Argentina and could reach the province of Buenos Aires in the coming hours. The satellites have captured how poisonous steam is heading towards our territory in astonishing images.

The satellite images broadcast by the Rammb and Cira organizations showed how the smoke had already progressed in Formosa, Jujuy, Corrientes, Catamarca, La Rioja and Santa Fe. Moreover, you can see how it is evolving rapidly in our territory and could soon arrive in Buenos Aires.

As explained by the meteorologist Mauricio Saldivar, "The wind will bring this smoke to the center of the country, so today it could reduce visibility in Buenos Aires, and the effects will be accentuated over the weekend and next week."

In the next interactive graph, you can see how the affected area is enlarged and the hot spots are represented by red dots. In addition, the progress of the smoke is observed because of the winds on our territory.

In addition, they transcend the images showing cloudiness, because of the fire, which prevents to see clearly the Argentine territory. They warn that visibility problems will increase over time.

Satellite images (RAMMB / Cira)

In gray, you can see the huge cloud. (RAMMB / Cira)

The dense smoke is heading towards Buenos Aires. (RAMMB / Cira)

More images provided by different satellites.

So you could see the area before the disaster.

NASA files also show the comparison between two images of affected Latin American territories. The first belongs to July 30 and the second to August 17.

The Amazon region recorded more than half of the 71,497 fire sources detected in Brazil between January and August of this year, 83% higher than the same period in 2018, according to data published by the state National Institute of Research. Space (INPE).


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