This is how the foreign press reported on earthquakes in Peru, Colombia, Ecuador and Brazil | news


Media from different parts of the world today announced the mbadive earthquake that rocked parts of Peru, Colombia, Ecuador and Brazil this morning.

The Deutsche Welle Germany He said that the epicenter was the city of Lagunas, in the Loreto region, but that it was felt intensely in most of Colombia.

The universal of Mexico He reports on the strong earthquake, broadcasts videos and notes that there are injuries and property damage in some houses in Peru.

Meanwhile, the portal 20 minutes, Spain, entitled "A strong earthquake shakes the High Amazonas of Peru, Ecuador and Colombia" and stresses that there is at least one death, information corroborated by the Peruvian authorities.

Clarín, of Argentina, reports that most of the wounded are in the Amazonian city of Yurimaguas and that at this stage, President Martin Vizcarra arrived to badess the damage done in the first person.

The BBC London He said "that an earthquake of magnitude 7.5 shakes the north of Peru and is felt in Ecuador". He also realizes that there is a fatality in Cajamarca when a rock falls on a house.

CNN indicates that the geographic service of United States (USGS) reports that the quake was a magnitude of 8 and that it was also felt in other countries of South America. Accompany the news with images and tweets published by the Peruvian authorities.

Similarly, Europa Press cites the information and the Geophysical Institute of Peru and the United States Geological Survey as official sources of the seismic event.


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