This is how the international media reports on the situation in Argentina


The international media got the latest news of the Argentine economic crisis, following the announcements of the Minister of Finance, Hernán Lacunzaand in many portals, they talk about "default", "financial crisis and even" the collapse of the peso ".

"Argentina has proposed (at the IMF) to initiate dialogue to re-issue debt maturities", announced at a press conference the Minister of Finance, Hernán Lacunza, after several days of strong turbulence on foreign exchange that led to a depreciation of the peso of more than 20% in two weeks. And the international media did not let it go.


Default: the first reactions of the opposition to the announcement of the government

The main Italian economic portal, Il Sole 24 ore, entitled: "Argentina falls again: violation of 60 billion dollars".

The note is even stronger: "That's called default, it's pronounced" debt restructuring ".. Argentina falls there for about 60 billion dollars. The government of Mauricio Macri, which was heavily beaten by the Peronists during the primary two weeks ago, is preparing to face the presidential elections of October 27 with an inevitable financial election, the renegotiation of the debt, precisely.

British newspaper Financial Times he was adamant that the new debt restructuring plan is probably "the ninth sovereign defect in the history of the country".

For its part, the Spanish newspaper The country He devoted an important space in his edition on Latin America. "Macri calls on the IMF to renegotiate the terms of the Argentine debt.The crisis stifles the executive after a new black day for the peso and two months after the elections"warns the article signed by Enric González, correspondent of the newspaper in Buenos Aires.

The Brazilian newspaper Sao Paulo Folha has decided to open its online version with this measure announced by Lacunza. "Financial Crisis: Argentina declares moratorium and wants to renegotiate its debts The country defers payment to creditors and seeks to review its external obligations with the IMF and the banks", indicates the note at the beginning of the newspaper's website.

L & # 39; location Bloomberg It shows on its cover the news of the economic announcements and says that Argentina is looking to extend the maturity of the debt "after the collapse of the peso and its obligations".

"This announcement follows a dramatic week for Argentina during which bonds fell to a record high and the peso collapsed.At the end of Wednesday's operation, the investors now set the price of nearly 90% of the chances that the country will fail over the next five years, "says the note.


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