This is how they allegedly recruited the Colombians involved in the assassination of the President of Haiti


Group of Colombians captured in Haiti.  Photo: Colprensa Externos.
Group of Colombians captured in Haiti. Photo: Colprensa Externos.

The murder of President of Haiti, Jovenel Moise, at dawn on Wednesday, July 7, generated a massive investigation into the causes, perpetrators and chronology of events. Colombia is not exempt since, according to the information provided by the Haitian authorities, and which were subsequently confirmed by the Defense Minister, Diego molano, 26 of the 28 alleged perpetrators are believed to be Colombians.

“It was a commando of 28 attackers, including 26 Colombians. We intercepted 15 Colombians and the two Americans of Haitian origin. Three Colombians died, four were arrested, while eight others are on the run. The weapons and equipment used by the thugs have been recovered, ”he announced a few days ago. Léon Charles, Director General of the Haitian Police. The controversy escalated when it became known that in this group retired members of the Colombian military forces.

Colombians involved in the assassination of President of Haiti Jovenel Moïse.  Courtesy of the Colombian National Police.
Colombians involved in the assassination of President of Haiti Jovenel Moïse. Courtesy of the Colombian National Police.


Over the hours, new discoveries about the crime are revealed and echoed around the world. According to a Colombian intelligence report, which was known to WEEK, those involved have been contacted by various project agencies, as Futuro Global and A4SI Group Centroamerica, to play the role of entrepreneurs in Central America, Dubai, Afghanistan and Africa.

According to preliminary information, this recruitment process was carried out by Captain (r) Germán Alejandro Rivera García; the vice-first sergeant, Duberney Capador, and professional soldier (r) Manuel Antonio Grosso Guarín. The retired soldiers, who wanted to participate, were reportedly grouped together via a WhatsApp group called “Main Effort”, which was created by Capador – who was called in chat as “Manuel Capador” and who was assassinated in Haiti after the events – dated back to May 27, 2021.

In the exchanges of messages of the group, revealed by Blue radioCapador said: “Gentlemen, you have already selected all those who go so far calmly. There is still more to do, I am doing work, a safety study, I know them all and I know their capacities ”. In addition, he added that “I’ve been on the site for almost a month, it’s going fast and when they are called they will have a maximum of two days to be ready, prepare yourself psychologically, because we are going to need you very quickly ”.

First Deputy Sergeant (r), Duberney Capador.  Photo: Courtesy of Jenny Capador Giraldo via REUTERS.
First Deputy Sergeant (r), Duberney Capador. Photo: Courtesy of Jenny Capador Giraldo via REUTERS.

In principle, according to the aforementioned document, the Colombians were informed that their objective was “”the security of a president”, And that in return, each of them would receive a payment of $ 2,700 per month, which is equivalent to more than 10 million pesos. In addition, it appears that a second group of retired soldiers would also be heading to “take care of an ex-president“; however, such a hiring would depend on the results that the first group would deliver.

Relatives of some of those involved said that during the day, the ex-soldier did physical work, and they also received first aid instruction and training in English.

After messages message in the group WhatsApp, the former members of the Army responded and were ready to face the economic hardships that many of them went through after retirement; Over the minutes, more and more people entered, believing that in said chat they were close to 500 in total.

“If I say I’m a rifleman, we’re all riflemen, but if you’ve played direct action, close combat, special reconnaissance, you’re a high-precision shooter, you’re a pointer, a counter-pointer, a tracker, you are an intelligence expert, you have been in surveillance and control, that’s what I need them to put there, their specialties ”, Capador concluded in the messaging application group.

Former members of the Military Forces would travel with 33 days in advance the murder of Jovenel Moise, it is therefore presumed that during this period, all the work of coordination.

Suspects of the assassination of the President of Haiti, Jovenel Moise, are shown to the media, in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, on July 8, 2021. REUTERS / Estailove St-Val NO RESALE NO FILES
Suspects of the assassination of the President of Haiti, Jovenel Moise, are shown to the media, in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, on July 8, 2021. REUTERS / Estailove St-Val NO RESALE NO FILES


Through various media, relatives of the Colombians involved said their relatives were innocent and that were victims of a conspiracy. In addition, they allege that these have been hired by legally incorporated companies and that the goal was to work as private security element to protect an important person in Haiti.

Likewise, according to the testimony of a retired professional soldier, who would be part of the mission, he kept “his suitcases ready” before going to Haiti: “He told me. [Capador] that he was on hold because there was a job abroad, in Central America, and that he was waiting, that he took out the passport that suddenly needed it and that at any time he would call me to ask me», Expressed in the statements collected by Snail news.

The retired army specifies that, from the start, the goal was to exercise a profession in urban security: “We will protect, we will ensure the security of the President of Haiti, as well as other parts they needed to keep with some special Colombian soldiers hired by the government of Haiti ”.

However, for reasons of fatality, the man he did not have his passport ready due to delays due to the pandemic, and was excluded from the first group to travel to the Central American nation, who would be accused of having participated in the murder of the president.


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