This is known to the mysterious Satoshi Nakamoto, creator of Bitcoin


Beyond its price fluctuations, Bitcoin is gaining more place in the financial world every day, but little is known about who created it.

At a time when Bitcoin is hitting prices never seen before, one of the biggest unknowns surrounding cryptocurrency revolves around its creator.

While her name is known to be Satoshi Nakamoto, still exists a lot of doubts as to whether it was actually a person or a group of programmers who created the Bitcoin protocol, but basically its benchmark software.

It all started in 2008, which was in the midst of the subprime mortgage crisis in the United States when Nakamoto published an article describing a digital currency system.

A year later, as the whole world went through a deep economic crisis, Bitcoin software was released, based on the implementation of a network of the same name and the first units of the currency.

We still doubt if the creator of Bitcoin is a person or a group of programmers

We still doubt if the creator of Bitcoin is a person or a group of programmers

The official story goes that in 2010 Nakamoto transferred the corresponding domains to other prominent members of the community and quit the project, but this is something impossible to verify.

What has proven that the transaction log The known addresses of Nakamoto contain approximately a million bitcoins.

But nothing is known of his real identity, which obviously remains unknown and is the subject of all kinds of speculation. At this point, the differences range from the assumption that the name is real, that it is a pseudonym, or that it is a group of people.

Although in its original “paper” it is presented as a 37 year old male former resident of Japan, this has been called into question due to its perfect use of English and the fact that Bitcoin software is neither documented nor labeled in Japanese.

For the security researcher, Nakamoto It could be a genius or it could be a group of people. For his part, Laszlo Hanyecz, who intervened at a later stage than the original project and who maintained contact by email with Nakamoto, felt that the code was too well developed to be one person.

Searching for clues to find his identity, it was assumed that due to the way he wrote and the terminology used, he was from a Commonwealth country.

Another programmer, a Swiss named Stefan Thomas, analyzed the hours of each of his messages posted on the Bitcoin foro (over 500) and determined there was a steep drop between 5 a.m. and 11 a.m. Greenwich Mean Time, even on weekends.

From this analysis, he deduced that if this were a single person with conventional sleep patterns, it would be assumed that they could reside in the eastern United States as well as parts of America. Central, Caribbean and South America.

Is the creator of Bitcoin a person or is it a group of programmers?

Is the creator of Bitcoin a person or is it a group of programmers?

In the frantic search to know his identity, several names have emerged, including the following:

Dorian Nakamoto: is the best known and perhaps the least likely. He rose to fame in 2014, when Newsweek magazine published an article in which he was mentioned as the father of the child, for which he appealed to rather circumstantial evidence and considered an interview in which, in due to a misunderstanding, inisinuto worked on the project.

Nick szabo– He is a prominent American cryptographer who devised a theoretical mechanism for a decentralized digital currency called “bit gold”, according to which a participant could solve cryptographic puzzles to validate transactions. That is to say something similar to what is called “mining”. It also works in his favor that he used pseudonyms and was an early supporter of Bitcoin, which makes him even more wary.

Wei Dai: He is a computer engineer who has made multiple contributions to the crypto field, but what perhaps highlights him the most is that his name appears in the Bitcoin white paper, as he was the creator of “b-money”, the predecessor of the first crypto-currency and which served as a reference for its design.

Hal Finney: He was a cryptographer and cypherpunk activist, inventor of the first Proof of Work (PoW) system, which would later be implemented in Bitcoin. In addition, he was the first person to receive bitcoins and one of the first developers of the software. He died on August 28, 2014.

Craig Wright and Dave Kleiman: It’s the option that has generated the most media noise since its appearance in 2015. At the end of this year, surveys by two digital newspapers named Wright as the creator of Bitcoin.

While he appears to have the skills needed, his eagerness to appear in public and declare himself Satoshi Nakamoto without tangible evidence belies the cypherpunk ideology from which cryptocurrency arose.

That year the information came from a hacker who allegedly managed to infiltrate Wright’s email accounts, where it could be seen that “Satoshi Nakamoto” was in fact a common pseudonym which also included Wright’s friend. and computer forensics analyst Dave. Kleiman, deceased for two years.

But whoever the real Nakamoto is, if, as those who seek him say, he never moved his million bitcoins, today he would be one of the richest men in the world, well his fortune these days oscillate between 36,000 and 40,000 million dollars.


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