This is not a joke: the new president of Ukraine is a comedian | Chronic


L & # 39; actor Vladimir Zelenski On Sunday, he became elected president of Ukraine, winning by far the incumbent president, Piotr Poroshenko, who acknowledged the defeat and congratulated his successor.

The young actor, 41, won a landslide victory in the second round, with about 69% of the vote, or 28% of his rival.

"I will never disappoint you"Promised Zelenski after seeing the result. In his message, he also addressed "all countries of the post-Soviet space".

"Although I am not yet officially president, as a citizen of Ukraine, I can say to all post-Soviet countries:" Look at us! Everything is possible!he said.

The popular artist and one of the most successful entrepreneurs of the entertainment industry in his country has only one political experience: that of his series. "The servant of the people".

He plays there a history teacher, who becomes president unexpectedly.
Ignoring the political world but honest, he governs as he can: he rejects privileges, he tries to fight against corruption in which most authorities are involved and faces many ridiculous and dramatic stories.

The story was aired in several Eastern European countries and even Netflix and the Fox channel have bought it.


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