"This is not a normal country"


The Minister of Finance and Finance, Hernán Lacunza, He came to defend the surprise decision taken by the national government and that implies the return to the exchange rate. The official, who presumed two weeks ago, has reprimanded the restrictions on the purchase of dollars "These are not measures for a normal country" because Argentina "is not a normal country".


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The grievor was in the program of Jorge Lanata in Channel TreizeHe pointed out that the unusual DNU published on a Sunday in the Official Journal is not a decision "for a normal country" because it "is not a normal country in many ways". He also pointed out that "There is no risk of pen" because "there are resources" to meet the demand for funds in the financial system.

Lacunza justified: "We prefer to err on the side of being rare, it is a preventive measure."

He then used the ship's metaphor again to graphically represent the country's economic situation: "Argentina looks like a circle in which we return from time to time in the same port.We have worked a lot in the engine room, something in the cabins, (but) we miss the dining room. "" The challenge is, no matter the winner, to park the ship on the dock on December 10, not before. "

"I do not think there is a dollar race this week," he added.


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