This is not "reperfilamiento", it is default: the Financial Times warned that Argentina would fall into the cessation of payments


Things like they are. The "reperfilation"Deadlines at the MFIs announced last night by the Minister of Economy, Hernán Lacunza, is only a potential "fault" At least in this way, it is developed by specialists and, in this case, British newspaper Financial Times, who badured in a very critical article of macro policies, that The debt restructuring plan will likely be "the ninth sovereign flaw in the history of the country".

Under the title: "Argentina seeks to restructure its debt for $ 101 billion", the international media reported that "the government will restructure loans because it attributes" tensions to liquidity short term ".

"The country of Latin America fell back into crisis this summer after center-right reformist president Mauricio Macri suffered an unexpected defeat in the first round of elections, which increases the chances of the Peronist populists to return to power in October ", describe the reporter Robin Wigglesworth for the Financial Times.

He also said: "Macri was hoping to project a sound economic management picture and avoid drastic measures before the elections, but a recent short-term public debt auction failed to attract enough investors, forcing Buenos Areas to act. "

Therefore, he says that "Argentina plans to delay $ 7 billion short-term local debt payments that expire this year and will seek a" voluntary profile adjustment "of $ 50 billion of debt to long-term, mainly in the hands of foreign investors, as well as defer repayment of $ 44 million in loans already disbursed by the IMF. "

And he concludes: "Although Argentina is only asking for a voluntary extension of repayment terms, instead of" reducing "the payment of interest or the size of its debt, the move will likely be considered as another sovereign default for certain measures ".

It should be noted that in the middle of a dark day in financial matters, where the dollar closed at nearly 60 pesos and the risk of the country skyrocketed and exceeded two thousand points, the Minister of Finance, Hernán Lacunza , began by criticizing the opposition said that "all political forces want to win the elections, but this is not an excuse to put the stability of all Argentines," announced measures to mitigate the effects of the economic crisis. "We will begin the dialogue to rebalance debt maturities with the IMF."

The truth is that the economic turbulence continues Thursday and was reinforced by the brief speech of Mauricio Macri at the launch of the ship Santiago S. Tandanor. Country risk is already 2244 basis points.


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