This is the sad origin of the famous phrase "the dog is the best friend of man" |


Statue of the "Old Drum" / Courtesy

We have all heard the old phrase, "The dog is the best friend of man", but one does not usually wonder what is the "best friend" of the man. Origin of this saying, to the surprise of some, besides the loyalty and love of dogs towards men, it has to do with the sad story of an American peasant who wanted to do justice in 1870. [19659003] In Warrenburg County, Missuri, Charles lived Burden, a recognized farmer who had a close relationship with his Foxhound dog, called "Old Drum", but one day, Burden found the body of his dear friend, Wounded by several shots, at that moment the Farmer promised to render justice for the crime.

So began a grand plea in court, where he accused his brother-in-law and neighbor, Leonidas Hornsby, of being responsible for the events, as he had threatened several times. First, the court ruled that it was not worth opening the case, but at Burden's insistence it was opened with a charge of animal abuse and a fine $ 150. .

Burden lost this case, however his quest for justice did not stop there, and managed to reach the state court, also hired lawyer George Graham Vest, who was responsible for the famous sentence and promised the owner that he would do everything possible to have a positive verdict.

The case went to several courts, where the lawyer defended the rights of the pet, whom he considered to be equal to a friend for his client, finally in the last plea, the lawyer managed to move the jury, which decided to punish Hornsby with a $ 450 fine, with a speech that is known today as "the tribute to the dog . "

The struggle of this owner to obtain justice after the tragic end of his pet became famous and even in the city where the event occurred, a statue of "Old Drum" has was built and after that, the well-known phrase "the dog is the best friend of man". 19659 008]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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