This is the secret to deleting files from computer or mobile forever



On various occasions, it is possible that technological devices are sold or traded, whether they are computers, tablets or mobile phones, in these devices they can remain various personal files They can cover everything from letters and drawings in Paint to valuable personal documents like contracts or invoices.

Although in most cases it is possible that this data is the first to be erased, and of little interest to another person, there are experts who believe that it is better not to risk it and eliminate all traces who the user was or, at least, their important documents.

Many think that it would be enough to delete the files and some more computer savvy people will even choose to format, but despite these measures, data may be recoverable if so, because the computer leaves small traces of those documents or programs that were once part of its digital compartments.

If you are one of those people who are obsessed with digital security and leave no traces, or if you just want to make sure that the device you are going to sell have no record of its use, then it is necessary that you know a specific detail that will cause the device in question to appear almost completely as new.

to exist two main methods to completely get rid of information on a device. The first is a bit extreme, but it is perhaps the best known to those who have worked with electronic machines for a long time. it’s about the demagnetization.

What happens with demagnetization is that it is a physical modification of the electronic objectMainly, storage units such as hard drives or old floppy disks. The way it works is when these objects are exposed to a strong magnetic field, their magnetic domains in which they store information are physically altered, making them virtually unrecoverable.

This demagnetization option is rather a possible danger that it is better to avoid Well, not only will it erase data from the device completely, but it can take care of cause irreversible damage to the machine and it will be impossible to use it unless the components are changed, an act that will ultimately be quite similar to buying a new device from the factory.

The second method, and more recommended, is the data overwrite. When you delete a file, traces of it remain in the location that previously hosted it. A useful exercise in visualizing something similar is given on computers when deleting a file, as it will first go to the recycle bin and from there it will have to be emptied for it to actually disappear.

What happens with computers and their hard drives is that file traces are quite difficult to remove on their own, so the only valid and feasible option is crash into the space where they once existedThus, the information will be renewed until there is no longer any trace of what was there.

Experts say it is necessary to do the process up to 100 times so that the information disappears completely. The recommended thing in this case is to replace the deleted data with multiple files of considerable size and repeat the process as many times as you want until you are calm.

In the case of mobile phones, because their content is encrypted, the solution is much simpler, since it will be enough to restore it to its factory state and, in this way, all the information will disappear with its trace. It should be noted that these data also serves as a warning For those who do not want to get rid of the information they have because, although difficult, it is not impossible that they fall into one of these methods by accident.


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