This may fail: the magician wanted to imitate Houdini's trick and died tragically | Chronic


Last Sunday, in West Bengal, India, Chanchal Lahiri better known as "Mandrake Mago", he immersed himself in the waters of the Hooghly River. His intention was to free himself, to swim and to be safe, as he had done at the time, the legendary magician Harry Houdini.

Your goal in imitating this trick was "revive the interest in magic". As a result, Lahiri was tied with chains and ropes from the legs to the arms. Throughout his body he carried a total of six padlocks.

Before being hooked to the head and immersed in the river, the Indian magician said, in front of a crowd who was watching, what would be his last words: "If I can do it, it's magic, if I can not open it, it's a tragedy".

However, after ten minutes without Lahiri surfacing, the audience began to panic. As a result, they alerted the police, who launched a search operation. And that same Monday, they were able to verify that the body found at one kilometer was that of the magician.

The police confirmed that the wizard, nicknamed "Mandrake", had drowned.

Surprisingly, it was not the first time that the man was attempting a dangerous act under the water. Twenty years ago, he had plunged into the same river inside a glbad box, but he had managed to escape on this occasion.

"If I can not open it, it will be a tragedy"said Mandrake.

"I never thought that this time I would not come out of the water," said Jayanta ShawPhotographer of a local newspaper and witness of both issues.

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Police are currently investigating whether Lahiri has asked the authorities for permission to perform the trick that led to his death. Police sources say that "He never mentioned a link with water".

"(Mandrake) said that the act would happen in a boat or a boat … so, we gave him permission, he vaguely mentioned an" extra act "that we have not clarified ", said a police officer who was not identified. "We are investigating."


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