This photo will convince you to use sunscreen – –


Our skin is a canvas, in it time, food, stress, sun and more factors mark.

Believe it or not, the best way to make almost imperceptible blows is sunscreen.

It is well known that these special creams, also known as blockers, benefit the health in many ways, such as reducing the risk of skin cancer, premature aging and burns.

Although we can talk more deeply about the subject, we will not do it, a photograph will show that "a picture says more than a thousand words".

The photo of Bill McElligot, a 69-year-old Canadian truck driver, recently became viral because it may have become the most compelling argument for using sunscreen more frequently.

The snapshot recently published by the New England Journal of Medicine in 2012 shows a marked difference between the right and left sides of the affected person's face.

The latter is clearly older, with wrinkles and spots, looks incredibly 20 years older than the other half.

According to the medical journal, this is a condition known as unilateral dermatosis, which in this particular case was the product of nearly 28 years that the badagenarian was working as a truck driver, and during which the left side of the face – the side of the window – was regularly exposed to the sun's ultraviolet rays.

The truck driver profession has been badociated with a high risk of skin cancer due to prolonged exposure to the sun and lack of protection offered by eye protection.

Here are some tips recommended by the experts:

* Constantly applying sunscreen
* Cover the skin with a thick layer of cream and apply it every four or six hours
* Limit prolonged exposure to the sun
* Use specialized clothing, which incorporates layers with a UV filter
* Protect yourself with umbrellas when you go out


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