This Saturday, Bogotá will know who will be its first 7,673 vaccinated against covid-19


EFE / Alberto Valdés
EFE / Alberto Valdés

The mayor of Bogotá, in an interview with El Tiempo newspaper, said that for this February 13, seven days before the start of the mass vaccination day in the country, will announce by means of a meeting, during which all IPS and EPS present in the capital have been convened, who will be the first 7,673 vaccinated.

According to the president, in the prioritization of the vaccination day, the first to be vaccinated will be the health personnel who are on the front line of covid care.

“The good news is that we have 7,673 confirmed vaccines. We will start with a lot of enthusiasm, we are going to set up the vaccination coordination table in Bogotá with the EPS and IPS, this Saturday, to agree with them exactly with which people and with which institutions they will start, informed the mayor of El Tiempo.

He also pointed out that these first biologics, which are arriving in town, present a big logistical challenge, as they come from the pharmaceutical company Pfizer, which require great attention due to the high refrigeration they require.

The president also spoke about the importance of understanding that these first doses should be applied to the medical staff who fight the virus on a daily basis in intensive care units in Bogotá.

“They start to be put on February 20. Whose? frontline medical and healthcare staff, that is, people who have truly treated Covid. How we have to choose, unfortunately, we don’t want it to be. Out of the 29,000 people, we have to choose who exactly we are going to vaccinate. We will agree on this at the vaccination coordination table, which will take place this Saturday.said the president to the environment of Bogota.

Despite the obvious insufficiency in the number of vaccines that corresponded to the capital, having been one of the cities that concentrates the most covid contagion, the mayor indicated that she hopes that what is not filled in the February delivery of a million vaccinations are made in March, with those due that month.

“We hope that what unfortunately was not accomplished in February will be postponed to March, and we will fulfill what we were going to do in February and what we have to do in March, and not that it is postponed indefinitely.”López said.

Although The president did not hide that the vaccination will be very slow, after the small number of vaccines that correspond to the city, she affirmed that she would not enter into the controversy and will instead focus on carrying out all the work Correspondents by the district, to ensure that these first doses are applied in the most effective manner.

In light of the news released by the president, El Tiempo has consulted with medical staff for their opinion on these actions. Guillermo Ortiz, head of intensive care units in the Centro Oriente de Salud subnetwork in Bogotá, said that, “Vaccination is an opportunity to reduce the number of patients who will be admitted to intensive care and the severity of the presentation of clinical pictures, obviously to win the war against this disease which has cost so many lives.

For his part, José Ricardo Navarro, dean of the Faculty of Medicine of the National University, said that it was a small number that will be available at the start, so it is expected that as the vaccines arrive they will be delivered, until all health workers most at risk are soon covered.

In the same way, the specialist explained that for example at the National University Hospital of Colombia there are about 900 people who need to be vaccinated and only in this first vaccination will have 150 doses.

For the moment, it is expected to know who will be the first to be vaccinated in the capital, after the establishment of a unified command plan which will be carried out this Saturday at the mayor’s office, in which around 75 IPS have been summoned.


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