This terrifying attraction that you saw on Twitter does not exist, it's a montage


Would you like to ride an attraction that drops you 70 meters high as if you were doing jump to the elastic (rebound included), takes you several turns, relieves you and lets you down once more? Probably not, but it does not matter because it does not exist.

A tweet that shows this terrifying video has been shared more than 75,000 times in less than a day and is not even the only one to have it published, adding thousands of retweets and reproductions. The edition also takes a day to circulate in several Facebook publications.

It has also been shared in several messages in Spanish. This, for example, adds more than 5,000 retweets.

Many comments show panic or, conversely, enthusiasm, but there are also those who suspect that it's a montage, given the spectacular nature of l & # 39; attraction. It seems impossible, among other things, that users are captured as quickly and efficiently after running them at full speed, suspended by a wire.

In reality, the attraction is much less spectacular (for comparison): the Gyro Drop is in the amusement park Lotte World in Seoul (South Korea). This is the clbadic attraction of the free fall in which everyone sits and submits and in which no one is dragging or going crazy. Of course, it turns as it rises so that users can enjoy the landscape before dropping them (baduming they have their eyes open).

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