This will be the Cordoba Book Fair 2021 – Notes


From October 1 to 11, the City saw the central activity of the region’s cultural agenda, bringing together publishing fairs, bookstores and popular libraries; tours and presentations; cycles and shows; workshops, conferences and conferences. There are 300 free activities in the Cabildo, cultural centers, museums, theaters and other local spaces and in the province of Cordoba. The 300 activities are divided into 180 face-to-face, 90 virtual and the rest corresponds to an adhered program.

This 35th edition emphasizes translation as a possibility of meeting cultures, curated by Graciela Bialet and general production by Lisa Daveloza. The Cordoba Book Fair is organized by the Under-Secretariat for Culture of the Municipality of Cordoba, the Cultural Agency of Cordoba, the National University of Cordoba, CALIPACER and the SADE Cordoba branch.

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Careful attendance will depend on the capacity of each space, so it is recommended to arrive 20 minutes before each activity.

The face-to-face circuit, with presentations and shows in bookstores, public and cultural spaces, will offer an afternoon agenda, from Friday 1 at 11 a.m. and until Monday 11 October after 8 p.m.

Check out the agenda in person here.

In its virtual dimension, there will be a grid of presentations and conferences from October 1 to 11, from approximately 3:30 p.m. to 10 p.m., with the participation of local, national and international authors. There will be a grid of 7 to 8 daily activities. It can be appreciated through the YouTube channel of the Undersecretariat.

Watch the virtual lineup here.

En materia de personalidades invitadas destacan, Camila Sosa Villada, Susy Shock y Juan Iñaki, Claudia Piñeiro y Marcelo Piñeyro, María Teresa Andruetto, Tununa Mercado, Isol, Marcelo Piñeyro, Alejandro Dujovne, Perla Suez, Estela Smania, Lautaro Vilismo, Sigo Raquel Franco, Flavia Costa, Heber Ostroviesky, Micaela Van Mulelm, Silvia Barei, Facundo Giuliano, Julieta Canedo, Natalia Porta López, David García, Orlando Van Bredan, Leticia Ressia, Elena Annibali, Guillermo Bravo, Elena Pérez, Mariana Etchegorry y Francisco Bitar , among others. For their part, Barbara Cassin, Michèle Petit, Susy Delgado, Evelio Cabrejo, Margarita García Robayo, Norma Flores Allende, Marco Tóxico, Moncho Azuaga, Edu Barreto, Litto Nebbia and Raúl Porchetto, are some of the international references of this edition. .

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The motto “Transcending borders, bringing cultures closer together” interweaves the content to reflect the plurality of voices around culture. Translation is thought of as a passage from one point to another, like a translation, a transit, to decode and recode the word and towards other possible realities and genres – such as cinema, music, visual arts and music. spectacle, and many other expressions. . From this slogan, the Fair also promotes dialogue between Cordoba and other cities and countries, recognizing itself in the differences. Thus, translation will be the bridge between stories, authors, books and languages, promoting encounters between those who produce and / or love letters.

In connection with the motto, the programming of this edition focuses on a series of axes:

INVITED COUNTRIES AND LATIN AMERICAN INTEGRATION. The honored countries are Peru, Paraguay and Bolivia. Its activities add to the Fair in the exchange of horizons, opening avenues of Latin American integration.

DIVERSITIES AND INCLUSION. The incorporation of participants and content for and by gender diversities and people with disabilities.

FEDERALIZATION. The federalization of the fair through proposals such as Federal Speech Territories.

TRANSVERSALITY. The disciplinary transversality in its grid, tangible in its cycles.

EDITORIAL PROFESSIONALIZATION. The programming of professionalization activities for the publishing sector, with emphasis on marketing and distribution as areas to be strengthened.

TRIBUTES. A space of homage and recognition to the poet Mariela Laudecina and to the poets Alejandro Schmidt and Juan Chico.

CYCLES. The continuity of cycles and specific areas of programming that are already a healthy habit: Córdoba Mata (detective genre), Contemporary Histories (contemporary authors for young people), Antena (transdisciplinarity of literature), Subte (Cartoon), Espacio de Poesía and Baron Biza (local editors). This last space has been usefully enlarged and now includes a presence on the publishers’ stands, its own programming, the presentation of a catalog / anthology of local publishers, and participation in the Show’s web platform.

DECENTRALIZATION. The Show will develop around face-to-face circuits and a large virtual program which emphasizes decentralization as a programming modality, but also as an amplifier of pleasure for the different audiences of the show. These circuits connect the bookstores in the city center and Güemes, cultural centers, popular libraries, museums and other spaces. Through the municipal program La Biblio te Cuenta, this year 10 popular library projects in the capital of Cordoba are added that recreate participatory workshops linked to the identity of each neighborhood. There will be more than 30 activities on gender, indigenous peoples, daily life and historical reconstructions of neighborhoods, botany interweaving texts, poems, legends with theater, music, sound and audiovisual production and embroidery, among other topics.


The visit is made up first of all by local bookstores which will offer presentations of books, authors and musical performances in their premises, where readers will also be able to access the purchase of books.

The following will participate, among others: El Emporio Libros, Rubén Libros, El Espejo Libros, Children’s Bookstore, Reading World, Crossover Comics Store, San Martín Bookstore, Intellectvs Legal Bookstore and La Librería. There will also be nodes in the district of Güemes (Volcán Azul Libros & Arte and En un lugar de la mancha).

Another decentralized scenario will spread to cultural centers, with book presentations, conferences, workshops and artistic proposals. The Cabildo will host the stands of local publishers, located within the Barón Biza, as well as its face-to-face programming; and activities will be added for this edition at the Juan de Tejeda Museum, the Cultural Center of Cordoba of Spain and the Cultural Center of La Piojera, the Genaro Pérez Museum, the former Provincial Legislature, the Woman’s Museum, the Cordoba library, to the Marquis de Sobremonte, the Museum of Memory, the Botanical Garden and the Greek Theater.

With all this, the invitation is to a cultural walk, where the visit replaces the traditional centralized location, which adapts to health requirements while presenting the Fair as a global experience. Thus, simultaneously and by completing one by one the alternatives of pleasure, the edition fair, the bookstore circuit and the multiple activities of the Cabildo and cultural spaces will coexist.


This edition projects virtual and face-to-face alternatives for a wide range of audiences: from the educational and academic world to editorial, including children, the elderly and others.

All activities will be captioned or signed.; there will be productions of the diversity of genres and disabilities, among them, a radio theater produced by autistic children — in virtual programming — and the presentation of their magazine — in a face-to-face format. In the Antena cycle, for example, Fede Sykes (organizer of the Argentina International Deaf Film Festival) will participate. Another reference to include is the Association of Transvestites, Transgender and Transsexuals of Argentina (ATTTA), subsidiary of Córdoba, which will participate in the virtual grid telling life stories that bring cultures together, and will present a book on the debate that surround it. in a cultural center for sex work.

In terms of childhoodsThere will be introductory art proposals based on literature with stories, and a performance by Giovanni Quiroga around inverted classics. You will also enjoy a children’s play area with narrators and presentations of books for girls and boys accompanied by authors, as well as performances by artists.

The street teen, for its part, you can find a comic strip workshop and the Contemporary Histories cycle coordinated by Fabio Martínez.


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