those traveling to the United States will need to self-quarantine and test negative


US President Joe Biden said on Thursday that passengers arriving in the United States must go through quarantine upon arrival in the country, as part of a series of decrees to contain the pandemic.

“In addition to the use of masks, anyone traveling to the United States from another country they should be tested before boarding the plane and quarantined upon arrivalBiden reported at a White House conference. The proof requirement had already been ordered by the previous administration, but isolation was only a recommendation.

On his first full day in the U.S. presidency, Biden explained that his strategy had been fine-tuned to counter The “failure” of the Trump administration and act with the “urgency, focus and coordination” that the United States “needs”.

“It will take us months to change things”He admitted, before assuring that, however, the country “will come out”. “We will overcome this pandemic. And for a nation waiting for action (…) help is on the way,” he added.

This measure is one of many he has announced in recent hours to fight the second wave of infections. Already during the presidential campaign, he promised much more aggressive decisions to tackle the virus than his predecessor had taken, which include public health regulations.

One of them is accelerate the vaccination rate Americans against the coronavirus by providing more funds to state and local and state administrations, creating more vaccination points.

Too increase testing for coronavirus, which Trump hesitated to consider was only increasing the negative incidence statistics for the disease.

“Things will continue to get worse before they get better”, lamented the president this afternoon and stressed that the number of deaths from Covid-19, the country hardest hit by the global pandemic, “it will probably exceed 500,000 ”.

So far, U.S. health officials have counted more than 24.5 million people infected, including more than 408,000 dead.

As he has argued, another of the “priority” goals of his administration’s strategy against the pandemic is to restore the “public trust” of American citizens.

“Above all, our plan is to restore public confidence. We will make sure that scientists and public health experts speak to you directly,” he said, before noting that Americans will hear “a lot. more “from White House epidemiologist Anthony Fauci, “Not from the president but from real experts and scientists.”

Already Wednesday Biden announced the mandatory use of masks in federal areas and challenged to wear the mask for 100 days, the same time that has been given to immunize more than 100 million Americans.

This Thursday, a measure against the so-called “vaccination tourism” was also known. Have Florida health authorities announced that from now on residents of that state are given priority in the coronavirus vaccination plan.

It was after learning that many people from different countries traveled to Florida for their vaccinations, which outraged the public.

Florida Chief Surgeon Scott A. Rivkees issued an order requiring vaccine suppliers require recipients to prove their residence in the State.

According to data from the Florida Department of Health, out of more than 1.1 million doses of covid-19 vaccines already applied in this southern state, over 39,000 were received by non-residents.



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