Thousands of Brazilians took to the streets to protest Jair Bolsonaro


People participate in a protest against President Jair Bolsonaro's handling of the COVID-19 pandemic in Goiania, Brazil, June 19, 2021. REUTERS / Diego Vara
People participate in a protest against President Jair Bolsonaro’s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic in Goiania, Brazil, June 19, 2021. REUTERS / Diego Vara

Thousands of people took to the streets of several Brazilian capitals to protest against President Jair Bolsonaro for his handling of the pandemic in the country, which exceeded 500,000 dead from COVID-19 on Saturday and experts warn against the imminent arrival of a third wave.

From the start, many gathered this Saturday in Rio de Janeiro, Brasilia and Recife, among 15 other capitals, to defend slogans such as “Get out Bolsonaro”, “Get out the genocide”, “Government of hunger and unemployment”, “Vaccinate now” and “Vaccine in the arm and food on the plate”.

Demonstration this Saturday in Brasilia against Bolsonaro and to demand his dismissal with indictment (REUTERS / Adriano Machado)
Demonstration this Saturday in Brasilia against Bolsonaro and to demand his dismissal with indictment (REUTERS / Adriano Machado)

“His position [Bolsonaro] in relation to covid and its denial are absurd. He’s already gone out of reality, out of common sense, he can’t explain himself, he’s so surreal, ”said Robert Almeida, a 50-year-old photographer who took part in the demonstration in Rio de Janeiro.

The events were called by the Brasil Popular and Povo Sem Medo (Fearless People) fronts, made up of dozens of social and labor organizations, backed by political parties and leaders, including former left-wing president Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (2003-2010). .

Massive march in Rio de Janeiro on June 19, 2021 against Bolsonaro.  REUTERS / Ricardo Moraes
Massive march in Rio de Janeiro on June 19, 2021 against Bolsonaro. REUTERS / Ricardo Moraes

Lula does not plan to participate in the events, however, informed his communications consultancy. Two days earlier, the ex-president had said he did not want his presence to dominate “A demonstration called by Brazilian society.”

People who came out to protest wore masks and expressed their concern about the progress of the pandemic as the country approaches a third wave of infections.

With half a million dead, Brazil is the second country in the ranking of the lethality of the pandemic.

A crowd demonstrated against Bolsonaro in Cuiaba, Brazil on June 19, 2021. REUTERS / Mariana Greif
A crowd demonstrated against Bolsonaro in Cuiaba, Brazil on June 19, 2021. REUTERS / Mariana Greif

The vaccination program began in January after pressure from Bolsonaro’s political rival, Joao Doria, who heads the São Paulo governorate, reached an agreement with the Chinese laboratory Sinovac to import the first doses of his Coronavac vaccine.

Since, only 11.5% of the Brazilian population (212 million) has been vaccinated.

"In Bolsonaro", the main slogan of the march in Rio de Janeiro this Saturday (REUTERS / Ricardo Moraes)
“Fora Bolsonaro”, the main slogan of the march in Rio de Janeiro this Saturday (REUTERS / Ricardo Moraes)

A parliamentary commission is investigating the government’s response to the pandemic. Several leaders called Bolsonaro “genocidal” for his rejection of social isolation measures and the use of masks and the government’s delay in the vaccination campaign.

Brazil currently averages around 2,000 deaths per day from covid-19.

Despite this, the country this month hosted the football Copa América previously rejected by Colombia over social protests and Argentina over the pandemic.

Protesters carried photos of victims of police violence and a photo of Councilor Marielle Franco during the march against Bolsonaro in Rio de Janeiro on June 19, 2021. REUTERS / Pilar Olivares
Protesters carried photos of victims of police violence and a photo of Councilor Marielle Franco during the march against Bolsonaro in Rio de Janeiro on June 19, 2021. REUTERS / Pilar Olivares
Various demonstrators in Rio de Janeiro have called Bolsonaro genocidal for his management of the pandemic.  REUTERS / Pilar Olivares
Various demonstrators in Rio de Janeiro have called Bolsonaro genocidal for his management of the pandemic. REUTERS / Pilar Olivares
A representation of Bolsonaro hanged by the ankles with a poster "Location of genocide" during the demonstration in Goiania on June 19, 2021. REUTERS / Amanda Perobelli
A depiction of Bolsonaro hanged by his ankles with a “Genocide Square” sign during the demonstration in Goiania on June 19, 2021. REUTERS / Amanda Perobelli
Under the motto "In Bolsonaro", protesters in Rio de Janeiro also demanded more vaccines against covid-19.  REUTERS / Pilar Olivares
Under the slogan “Bolsonaro out”, protesters in Rio de Janeiro also demanded more vaccines against covid-19. REUTERS / Pilar Olivares
A woman is holding a sign indicating "People on the street, outside of Bolsonaro" in Cuiaba on June 19, 2021. REUTERS / Mariana Greif
A woman is holding a sign that reads “People in the street, Bolsonaro out” in Cuiaba on June 19, 2021. REUTERS / Mariana Greif
Protester who marched against the Bolsonaro government in Rio de Janeiro this Saturday (REUTERS / Pilar Olivares)
Protester who marched against the Bolsonaro government in Rio de Janeiro this Saturday (REUTERS / Pilar Olivares)
A protester in Rio de Janeiro with a bloodied Brazilian flag in reference to those killed by covid-19 in the country.  REUTERS / Pilar Olivares
A protester in Rio de Janeiro with a bloodied Brazilian flag in reference to those killed by covid-19 in the country. REUTERS / Pilar Olivares
Demonstration in Cuiaba this Saturday to demand a political trial of Jair Bolsonaro (REUTERS / Mariana Greif)
Demonstration in Cuiaba this Saturday to demand a political trial of Jair Bolsonaro (REUTERS / Mariana Greif)
A young woman holds a cross that reads "500,000 deaths" during the walk in Cuiaba on June 19, 2021. REUTERS / Mariana Greif
A young woman holds a cross on which we read “500,000 dead” during the march in Cuiaba on June 19, 2021. REUTERS / Mariana Greif

With information from AFP


Brazil surpasses 500,000 COVID-19 deaths, experts warn of imminent third wave
Coronavirus in Brazil: they recorded 98,000 cases in one day, the second highest figure since the start of the pandemic
Jair Bolsonaro and Lula da Silva are technically tied ahead of Brazil’s 2022 presidential elections

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