Thousands of Ecuadorians have challenged curfew with cacerolazos


With a cacerolazo at home, thousands of Ecuadorians in Quito have called for the cessation of violence after the curfew imposed by the government before episodes of violence and vandalism during the day, which set fire to the headquarters of the Controller.

The calm recorded in the streets of Quito with curfew, which forced its citizens to protect themselves at home, was broken by thousands of metal hits at 20:30 local time.

At first, a few people from Quito were encouraged to support the call that had been circulating hours ago via social networks, but soon after, more citizens joined this initiative. peaceful demonstration to demand a return to normalcy.

"Peace, peace!" some participants shouted to emphasize the purpose of repeated blows on stews from their balconies and terraces.

It was the last episode of a very complicated day for the Ecuadorian capital, marked by the historic center almost besieged by the protesters and by new clashes between protesters and police officers.

Although the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (Conaie), which runs the protest, decided at noon to dialogue with the President of Ecuador, Lenín Moreno, the riots spread throughout the city by outside groups The natives

These violent protesters took over, set fire to the controller's headquarters and tried to do the same with the facilities of a television channel and a national newspaper.

The curfew was decreed by President Moreno from 3 pm local time, easing the excesses and restoring some order in the city.

The protests began on Oct. 3 against economic austerity measures taken by the government, including the elimination of fuel subsidies, under the conditions set by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the IMF. Other institutions for a credit of $ 10,000 million.


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