Thousands of intellectuals claim to Macri that "res …


A large group of scientists, writers and intellectuals came out yesterday to repudiate "financial terrorism" and ask President Mauricio Macri "to respect democracy and the ballot box". "We are concerned about these types of demonstrations, which actually involve an attack on democracy and the sovereign right of peoples to elect their representatives and the direction of public policies," they explain in a published petition. aujourd & # 39; hui.

Among the main signatories are the writer Lucía Puenzo, the anthropologist Alejandro Grimson, the political scientist and director of the Conicet Mario Pecheny, former dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the UBA Federico Schuster, historian Ezequiel Adamovsky, playwright Rafael Spregelburd and researcher Mabel Thwaites Rey among nearly 10,000 other people. "We demand that the government act responsibly, badume its responsibilities in the crisis it has led us to, and stop validating a violent depreciation of the peso which liquefies our wages and pensions", pointed out the text also accompanied by actors such as Pablo Echarri, Pilar Gamboa, Jean Pierre Noher and Alejandra Darin.

"" Today shows what can happen "reads as extortion at the next election. As if the rising dollar forced us to choose between Macri and economic chaos", they said in the letter in reference to what was said by the head of state.

This document adds to the rejection of different sectors already expressed before the speech of Mauricio Macri before the speech of yesterday and to the answer of the macrismo to the shooting of the foreign currency. "We demand that the will of the people be respected and that voters who choose other options are not sought after by financial panic..

"We call all social and political forces, and to the general public, to take a stand against this unacceptable overtaking of democracy ", finish the intellectuals.

The full text of the application

No to financial terrorism. That Macri respects democracy and the ballot box

The undersigned repudiates the statements of President Mauricio Macri, who at a press conference, accused voters and the opposition of the collapse that led his policies. "Today shows what can happen" reads like extortion against the next elections. As if the rise of the dollar forced us to choose between Macri and economic chaos. "This is not what the world wants" shows that its leadership does not respect the popular will and responds rather to the wishes and expectations of financial speculators and the IMF. We are concerned about this type of protest, which actually involves an attack on democracy and the sovereign right of peoples to choose their representatives and the direction of public policies.

Faced with this blackmail, we ask the government to act responsibly, to badume its responsibilities in the crisis that has led us and to stop validating a violent depreciation of the peso that liquefies our wages and our retirement. We demand that the will of the people be respected and that we do not seek to frighten the financial panic of voters who choose other options.

We call on all social and political forces, and citizens in general, to denounce this crushing and unacceptable democracy.


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