Thousands of people demonstrated in favor of “Marriage for all” in Switzerland


Between rainbow-colored flags and posters, under the slogan “Trust yourself. Marriage for all now! », About 20,000 people marched in Zurich (Switzerland) to demand that the equality marriage, subject of a national referendum to be debated on September 26.

On December 18, 2020, the two chambers of the Swiss Federal Assembly adopted a bill authorizing the marriage between same-sex couples and that women in the LGBTIQ + community have access to sperm banks. But after the ultra-conservative Christian party The Federal Democratic Union will be able to collect thousands of signatures, a referendum will take place at the end of September, the final decision will therefore be in the hands of Swiss citizens.

“Marriage for all is superfluous, useless! The Couples Act was created for same-sex couples! The right of children to grow up with their father and mother is a legal asset clearly superior to the right to have children as desired at any cost! They say from the Federal Democratic Union. “Why not marriage for everyone!”

In December 2020, the Swiss parliament approved the bill, but the Federal Democratic Union, an ultra-conservative Christian party, called for a referendum that will be resolved on September 26. (Photo: Fabrice Coffrini / AFP)

Of this situation, LGBT organizations ask for votes for September 26 so they can change course. From the National Committee for Civil Marriage for All, which brings together six member organizations, they raise the main arguments for those who consider that marriage must be egalitarian in Switzerland: it is a historic step towards equality, it strengthens social acceptance. LGBT people. , guarantees better protection of families and their children, is a logical evolution of marriage and finally Switzerland is ready for civil marriage for all.

“In a state with liberal principles of individual freedom and self-determination, this should go without saying. Everyone, regardless of their gender or sexual orientation, should have the same rights and obligations, ”they say from Operation Libero, a transpartisan political movement. “We say ‘yes’ to human dignity, to individual freedom, to equal rights, to a social reality, and because no one loses when love wins.”

Thousands of people marched through the streets of Zurich under the slogan “Marriage for all”. (Photo: Fabrice Coffrini / AFP)

According to the rainbow map created by ILGA Europe, the LGBT community in Switzerland has a 39% rights guaranteed placing the country in 22nd place in Europe in this regard. Number one in the ranking is Malta, which has already covered 93.78% of the community’s rights.


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