Thousands of people demonstrated in Rome against the health passport


Demonstrators against the health passport mobilized in Rome (REUTERS / Remo Casilli)
Demonstrators against the health passport mobilized in Rome (REUTERS / Remo Casilli)

Thousands of demonstrators demonstrated in central Rome on Saturday afternoon against the widespread use of the health passport, which will be compulsory from October 15 for all jobs in Italy.

Mandatory since early August to enter a museum, sporting event or in the interior spaces of a restaurant, this health certificate requires a complete vaccination record, a recent negative test or a document which justifies having cured of covid-19.

The Italian Prime Minister, Mario Draghi, announced in mid-September that from October 15, it will be compulsory to access a job. For teachers or medical staff, this is already the case today.

“They suspended us both [de empleo] it’s been two months “, explained to AFP Cosimo, who worked as a nurse, just like his wife. According to Cosimo, he and his wife have immune problems and allergies and their GP has allowed them not to be vaccinated against the coronavirus.

Thousands of people demonstrated against the health passport in Italy (REUTERS / Remo Casilli)
Thousands of people demonstrated against the health passport in Italy (REUTERS / Remo Casilli)

Despite this, they suspended wages and jobs. “We took the matter to a lawyer, since we have two 20-year-old twin children, and we have to deal with them,” he said.

Maria Ballarin, a retiree, reported a “Criminal and cowardly blackmail” of the state, that he does not want to assume his responsibilities and decree the obligation of vaccination.

When the new provision was announced a few weeks ago, the authorities announced that they could apply a fine of 400 euros ($ 470) to 1,000 euros ($ 1,176) for those who do not comply with this obligation, according to the newspaper The Corriere della Sera. After five days of unjustified absence due to lack of health passport, the person can be “suspended” from his work and his salary.

The The unions are demanding that the state pay for the tests as the government fears the possibility will discourage the idea of ​​getting vaccinated.

Towards the end of the demonstration against the sanitary passport in Rome, there were a few incidents with the police (REUTERS / Remo Casilli)
Towards the end of the demonstration against the sanitary passport in Rome, there were a few incidents with the police (REUTERS / Remo Casilli)

“It is not an instrument to fight against the pandemic (…), but to control the population”, added her husband, Marco Salvatori, a bank employee who decided to advance his retirement and thus avoid taking a COVID-19 test every other day.

The demonstration in which they participated small right-wing groups, was also upset by some clashes with the police.

Italy is not the first European country to adopt this measure. In Greece, since September 13, unvaccinated employees in the public and private sectors must undergo tests at your expense once or twice a week, depending on the profession.

The decision to generalize the health passport is the result of a long discussions between the government, the political parties that make up the national coalition in power and the social partners, unions and employers.

With information from AFP

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