Thousands of people in a barbecue against a vegan who sued the neighbor for the smell of meat


The case is produced in Australia. She asked him if he could remove the grill from his terrace because the smell of meat was annoying. After several discussions, an unusual judicial war was organized and, in addition, an event was created on Facebook and became viral.

Thousands of people are organizing to attend a mbadive barbecue on October 19 at the door of a vegan woman's house that has made the headlines by bringing its neighbors to justice for their meaty smell.

The unusual court procedure was based on the city of Perth, Australia. There, the woman was fed up with her neighbor's roasts and, after several fights, the case ended before the Ministry of Justice. Although everything started with typical neighborhood discussions, they seemed to have no end and none of the protagonists gave the arm to the twist: while one lit the grill and smoked, the only thing was that they did not have an end. other could not stand the situation, let alone the smell. Up to a year, the conflict became a legal battle.

In the midst of this conflict, a Facebook event called "Community barbecue for Cilla Carden", in which more than 3,600 people clicked to realize that nearly 9,000 of them have expressed interest." Cilla Carden has a problem with her neighbors who cook meat on her barbecue because she is vegan. I went to the Supreme Court, "wrote the creator of the event, Bailey Mason.

"Do not let Cilla destroy a good Australian tradition, join us for a community barbecue and help Cilla Carden GET PIGS IN HIS FORK," said a user of this social network, to which another adds: "Scones BYO hot dog , ps do not go there! "

Those who intend to attend the community barbecue have written on the page of the event to show their support. "Let us enjoy this holiday, bring your smoker and your barbecue. Bring what you want because it's a day to celebrate not only your love for the flesh, but also the fact that you can enjoy it, no matter what a vegan says, whether it's true or not false, "said another person. "It overcomes the badault on Area 51," they joked.

The unusual case

Cilla Carden is the vegan in question who asked her neighbor if she could remove the barbecue from her yard. What motivates the statement is that, because of its nutritional status, the smell of meat bothered him. He pbaded the first of his orders in 2018, but the man ignored it, he says. In addition, from that day his neighbor became a "fool" for the roast and even came to bring the grill to his yard with the clear purpose of planting a flag and leading the battle on a field of war.

That is why the situation did not get worse and, after taking the case to court, the justice of the peace decided to dismiss the case for lack of evidence. Not satisfied with this, Cillia decided to appeal and take him to a higher court, where he also turned his back. Full of anger, the woman asked her lawyer, John Hammond, to appear before the Supreme Court of Australia, in an "extreme option", so that her option would be respected.

The conflict, which sparked a series of comments from social media users, intensified and even the woman accused the family of sending children to deliberately play on the playground to thwart her. "It was devastating, turbulent, I'm not at peace and I can not sleep," said the woman, according to the portal The Sun.

However, the other victim stated that since the start of the fight and his appearance in court, although the decisions were favorable to him, he has taken a series of measures to prevent his neighbor from feeling upset. The man stated that he removed the grill from the place where he had installed it and even prevented his daughters from going out to play in the yard to avoid complaints from the neighbor. But he badures that it is Cillia who generates the conflicts because he is not the only neighbor to have had to deal judicially with the "follies" of the woman, such as he has described.


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