Thousands of Salvadorans took to the streets to protest Nayib Bukele’s government


Protesters take part in a protest against the use of bitcoin as legal tender and legal reforms to extend President Nayib Bukele's tenure in San Salvador (Photo: REUTERS)
Protesters take part in a protest against the use of bitcoin as legal tender and legal reforms to extend President Nayib Bukele’s tenure in San Salvador (Photo: REUTERS)

Thousands of Salvadorans demonstrated this Wednesday in the streets of the capital of El Salvador against the government of Nayib Bukele for various decisions made in a little over two years of administration, such as the adoption of bitcoin and the “authoritarian” drift of the president, according to various sectors.

The protesters, summoned to social media for several days, focused on three different points to converge on Francisco Morazán Square, in the historic center of San Salvador.

Doctors, judges, human rights activists, veterans, students, feminists and opponents of the Bukele executive They also rejected the decisions of the Legislative Assembly, with a large pro-government majority, and of the Supreme Court of Justice (SCJ).

Archive image of Salvadoran President Nayib Bukele (Photo: EFE)
Archive image of Salvadoran President Nayib Bukele (Photo: EFE)

They also protested against the decision to doubling of military personnel and constitutional reform, which analysts say opens the door to the existence of a single official party.

Legislative reform to remove judges and prosecutors in their 60s was also rejected by the protest, in addition to a judgment of the Constitutional Chamber of the Supreme Court which paves the way for Bukele can run for re-election in 2024, not 2034, as established in a 2014 award.

The president, to whom the polls give a great popularity and the magazine Time placed in the top 100 most influential celebrities, On September 15, the first demonstration against him is experienced, which brings together thousands of people.

A person walks past graffiti with a message against Salvadoran President Nayib Bukele, on a day of protests against his government (Photo: EFE)
A person walks past graffiti with a message against Salvadoran President Nayib Bukele, on a day of protests against his government (Photo: EFE)

“The time has come when we are all interested in defending democracy, the Republic, the separation of powers “, the judge and former magistrate of the Supreme Court told reporters Sidney White.

Added that the march also reflects “fatigue from so many constitutional violations that are being committed” and “it is not a march in support of any political party”, but “a alarm voice the conduct of the country and the degradation of institutions ”.

Nelson Bonilla, 21, told the agency EFE what was seen motivated to participate by “all these events”, in reference to the Bitcoin law and the dismissal of the judges.

Protesters at a protest against the use of bitcoin as legal tender and legal reforms to extend President Nayib Bukele's term (Photo: REUTERS)
Protesters at a protest against the use of bitcoin as legal tender and legal reforms to extend President Nayib Bukele’s term (Photo: REUTERS)

Institutionality and the rule of law were not respectedThis is what motivates me to be here, “he said, adding that the country” needs a lot “to move forward in education and health.

The discontent against Bukele takes the bicentenary

The COVID-19 pandemic forced from 2020 to suspend the acts commemorating the independence of Central America from Spain, that 2021 was 200 years old.

The traditional fanfares parades were moved this Wednesday by the demonstration, in which participants dressed with flags of countries, shirts with messages against bitcoin and against “dictatorship”.

“No to presidential re-election, no to bitcoin, no to militarization, no to dictatorship!” and “without judicial independence, there are no guarantees for the defense of human rights”, were the messages on some of the banners carried by the demonstrators.

Demonstration in El Salvador against Nayib Bukele's measures
Demonstration in El Salvador against Nayib Bukele’s measures

You can also read: “Mom, I went to defend my homeland. If I don’t come back, I will go with her ” and “Enough abuse against the press.”

Sectors that protested criticized President Bukele – mostly on social media – for allegedly undermine the separation of state organs, attack transparency in the management of state resources and attack the press, among other complaints.

Rockets, colorful smoke and the music of drums set the tone for the protest, which had a wide participation of women and that it was mostly peaceful.

A protester damaged an ATM during protests against President Nayib Bukele (Photo: REUTERS)
A protester damaged an ATM during protests against President Nayib Bukele (Photo: REUTERS)

Isolated incidents

Local press articles reported on the burn a motorbike by hooded subjects before the start of the event.

However, members of civil organizations have tried kick these people out of the march.

Near the point of concentration, one of the booths set up for cashiers and bitcoin advice was damaged by two masked women, as he was able to verify EFE, and later burned when the walk was over and the concentration began to dissolve.

Although there were thousands of people who protested, no police or military custody was observed during the tour.

A protester holds up a poster showing President Nayib Bukele, as people take part in a protest against the use of bitcoin as legal tender, in San Salvador (Photo: REUTERS)
A protester holds up a poster showing President Nayib Bukele, as people take part in a protest against the use of bitcoin as legal tender, in San Salvador (Photo: REUTERS)

At Eve, Amnesty International called on the Salvadoran president and the National Civil Police (PNC) not to “suppress” the demonstration.

According to the latest survey by the University Institute of Public Opinion at the University of Central America (Iudop), the In August, the president received a score of 7.64 on a scale of zero to 10. This rating is lower than December 8.37, 2020 and November 7.8, 2019.

(With information from EFE)

Read on:

Salvadorians take to the streets led by young people and women to protest against Nayib Bukele on Independence Day
How the White House’s relationship with Nayib Bukele was severed and why Washington is preparing new sanctions for the government of El Salvador

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