Thousands of Scientists Warn Earth Loses “Vital Signs” Due to Climate Crisis


Two years after declaring a climate emergency and establish a set of vital signs for Earth, a panel of 14,000 scientists from 158 countries denounced on Wednesday that these vital signs are weakening, and warned that we are approaching Climatic “points of no return”.

According to the article published today in the magazine ‘Biosciences’, scientists have revealed that there has been an unprecedented increase in climate-related disasters since 2019, including devastating floods, record heat waves, storms and forest fires extraordinary.

Russia - Melting arctic ice - Russian icebreaker - Greenhouse effect - Climate change

Climate “no-return” points

In this sense, of the 31 elements considered essential to assess the health of our planet, which include greenhouse gas emissions, the thickness of glaciers or deforestation, 18 are already showing record levels of concern, probably even “without return” in some of them, like the dissolution of glaciers or deforestation.

“We need to react to the evidence that shows we are heading towards climatic tipping points,” one of the experts said, Tim Lenton, from the University of Exeter.

According to the text, glaciers are melting a 31% faster than 15 years ago, and deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon also hit a record high in 2020.

Climate change: rising waters

Also, in the article, they pointed out that there are currently more than 4 billion head of cattle in the world, a figure that exceeds the combined mass of the entire human race and wild animals.

Despite the temporary reduction in gas emissions, due to the reduction in economic activity due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the concentrations of carbon dioxide and methane in the atmosphere have reached record levels so far in 2021.

For these reasons, scientists have claimed that governments have failed facing the causes of climate change, caused by “overexploitation of the Earth”, while requiring concrete actions, such as elimination of fossil fuels, ecosystem restoration, diets vegetarian and the search for a new growth model.

“We must stop treating the climate emergency as an independent problem, warming is not the only problem in our system under pressure,” he stressed. William waving, Oregon State University.


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