thousands of tourists in the streets and curfews from 8 p.m.


After making more than 1,000 arrests at one of America’s most popular party venues, Miami Beach officials warned on Sunday that the thousands of people visiting the city this spring break and fighting in the streets destroy properties. Restaurants and refusing to wear chin straps have become a serious threat to public safety.

In a last-minute meeting on Sunday, city officials voted to extend a curfew extremely unusual It takes effect at 8 p.m. for another week throughout the popular South Beach area, with the option of extending it until April if necessary.

And they pointed out that it’s not the usual crowd that visits the city every spring break. They stressed that they were not university students, but adults looking to have fun in one of the few states in the country fully open during the coronavirus pandemic.

Miami Adults looking to have fun in one of the few states in the country that is fully open.  Photo: AFP

Miami Adults looking to have fun in one of the few states in the country that is fully open. Photo: AFP

Pictures of Miami Beach's lack of control overwhelmed by uncontrollable crowds despite pandemic

Law enforcement officers from at least four other agencies, as well as teams from the SWAT tactical team, were called in to contain the rowdy crowds, but that was insufficient.

After days of merrymaking, which included several clashes with police, Miami Beach authorities put in place an unconventional curfew on Saturday that will be in effect from 8 p.m. to 6 a.m., forcing restaurants to suspend outdoor table service for a three-day emergency period, and encouraging local businesses to voluntarily close their doors.

More than half of the more than 1,000 arrests were of people from outside the state, city director Raul Aguila said, adding that many came to the city “to participate in anarchic acts and with a bland attitude. good”.

With businesses closed, crowds have gathered on the streets of Miami.  Photo: AFP

With businesses closed, crowds have gathered on the streets of Miami. Photo: AFP

He also noted that the crowds did not eat in restaurants or patronize businesses, generating urgent tourist dollars, but simply gathered in the streets of groups of thousands.

Officers in bulletproof vests scattered around pepper spray balls Saturday night against a provocative but above all non-violent crowd who refused to respect the curfew put in place about four hours earlier. Some people responded by jumping on the roofs of cars, dancing and throwing money in the air.

A military-style vehicle was seen patrolling Ocean Drive as Miami Beach police, outnumbering Miami Beach, struggled to disperse the rowdy crowds on Saturday. We asked tourists stay in their hotels, and passers-by and motorists were not allowed to enter the restricted area after 8 p.m.

Descontrol in South Beach.  Photo: AFP

Descontrol in South Beach. Photo: AFP

Miami Beach Police Chief Richard Clements began to worry on Monday when the crowds appeared higher than normal in which it is usually a quieter day.

A group of vehicles blocked the street “and basically put on an impromptu street party,” he said. Thursday, the crowds grew, fighting broke out and that unleashed dangerous jostling people who ran to protect himself.

“We couldn’t go on anymore”Clements said during Sunday’s meeting, during which he defended the curfew. “I think it was the right decision.

Police tell people to leave when the curfew goes into effect.  Photo: AFP

Police tell people to leave when the curfew goes into effect. Photo: AFP

Local officials and businesses have struggled to strike a balance between attracting tourists to boost the economy and doing so safely amid the coronavirus pandemic.

Residents complained that they spent between three and four hours in traffic after the bridges were closed during curfew. Some restaurants have requested permission to continue offering a delivery or take-out service after the restriction takes effect.

Associated press



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