Three brothers sexually abused their sisters and their father justified them


Four women aged 22, 19, 16 and 12 years old and a 14 year old man were mistreated by three other brothers aged 29, 27 and 20 years. One of the girls was able to escape and denounce the horror experienced each day. The father was arrested and justified the actions of his children "were rich in hormones".

James Keene, 29, Elijah Keene, 27, and Josiah Keene, 20, were arrested on April 8 for badual badault on their sisters and younger brother at his home in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA.

His father, Brian Keene, 62, was also arrested on bail of $ 50,000 for failing to report abuses even though they had badumed that these acts had occurred. The man defended his children and blamed "the high hormones" that afflicted them.

The case was unearthed when one of the victims, aged 19, escaped from the family home to seek help, reported Milwaukee Journal Sentinel website. .

On April 8, the police investigated the Keene property and found a dirty house with holes in the walls and a strong smell of urine and debris. The three other sisters and a younger brother of the accused reported them in a few hours.

The brothers face at least eight counts of badual badault, attempted rape and harbadment. The men had the habit of masturbating in front of their sisters, touching them inappropriately and, on one occasion, there had been an attempt to carnal access.

One of the girls said that she had woken up more than once naked in a room of the house while she had gone to bed clothed in a room. other. According to the victims, the abuses occurred intermittently for 10 years.



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