Three firefighters stopped in a cafeteria to eat something and the manager surprised them with a message on the ticket


We may never see them in a movie in the multiverse of wonder or DC and, surely, their exploits do not occupy the pages of comics or thematic series either. But, as a well-known saying goes, “not all heroes wear a cape”. And it is precisely this sentence that was chosen by a young woman and the manager of a cafeteria in Tenerife, in Spain. This is how they recognized a group of rescuers from the Emergency Military Unit (UME) of this Spanish island who had just recovered there after a heroic intervention in the region: they had extinguished a dangerous fire.

In the detail of the ticket, it is specified that rescuers will not be charged for what they consume because they are “heroes without capes”. (Photo: Twitter @ImSilverBoss).For: Photo: Twitter @ImSilverBoss

The idea of ​​the gastronomic place and the consumption ticket itself, where we can see the moving gesture, dates from last year. However – as is often the case on social media – it was saved and recently shared on Twitter, and added more than 16,000 likes; plus all kinds of repercussions (all positive and hopeful).

The story

Carambole Terrace is the name of the cafeteria where UME members of Tenerife August 21 of last year, according to the poll. In detail, moreover, what they ordered stands out: three coffees with milk, one toast with avocado (avocado) and another with Serrano ham. So far, nothing surprising; simply the details of the consumption of three people who arrived on site.

Although the episode was from August 2020, on Twitter the moment was picked up, the gesture and it moved users again. (Photo: Twitter @ImSilverBoss).For: Photo: Twitter @ImSilverBoss

However, in the continuity of the detail of this post, it is there that we can see and read the touching and precious gesture made by the persons in charge of the place. Hero without a cape and “Thank you” complete the text of the ballot, while in the section “Total” you can read “0 euros”. That is, the cafe managers chose to invite them to breakfast at no cost, and the guests found out when they requested the bill and received the ticket.


The troops of the UME that they found this pleasant surprise – and more than deserved – when they asked for the bill. They had arrived at the bar, more precisely located in the district of Llanos de Ariadne, after having participated in an arduous operation to extinguish a fire in the region of La Catela.

Among over 16,000 likes, the image was shared and went viral with messages of support and optimism among people. (Photo: Twitter @ asturcones1974).For: Photo: Twitter @ asturcones1974

Rescuers were working tirelessly at the site and due to the fire they had to be evacuated about 300 residents, whose properties had been affected by the flames.


Although it has already been a year since this heroic procedure during which the workers of the UME of Tenerife managed to bring the fire under control and also the remarkable gesture of the managers of the cafeteria who invited the breakfast for free, the fact that it was refloated in the social networks solidarity and the desire to recognize such a noble gesture on Twitter have awakened.

A ticket from a cafe went viral for its poignant message. (Photo: Twitter @ neusmt10).For: Photo: Twitter @ neusmt10

Hundreds of replies, retweets and love They’ve made this episode go viral again, which will hopefully never be forgotten and will be remembered year after year.


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